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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. freshJet

    News scroll

    Or for text: <marquee>Text here...</marquee> Or for PopUpNews: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5664-popupnews-in-marquee/page__p__37993__hl__popupnews__fromsearch__1#entry37993
  2. Wow that is excellent! The fleet puts me off though... would be better without the A380 for just now.
  3. Ah, never thought of that, thanks
  4. Is there a way to export to a CSV like the schedules?
  5. Did you just refresh the page or something?
  6. Check and see if the CSS file is in the admin directory.
  7. I don't like the fact that inactive pilots cannot access the website. So, they contact Human Resources, and then I set them as active, but I think the system changes it back. It's so annoying. How the hell do I turn it off - it's creating problems!!!
  8. No offence, but did you just ask that? And for next time: HTML help
  9. Thanks! Never thought of making a new user! All sorted!!!
  10. I still see nothing, the error refers to my main local.config.php.
  11. 1st one is SimMiles, second is based on Webs... Both are utter cr*p
  12. I've checked it - and there is another one in my testskin directory because it's a separate install of phpVMS.
  13. There was a phpVMS-based one but it seems to have gone now.
  14. http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php My local.config.php has the right details, I was editing another skin in my testskin directory and suddenly I'm getting this nonsense. I've been getting problem after problem for the last 2 weeks and am so frustrated
  15. Yes it's free.
  16. Just use an HTML form creator like icebrrg.com and insert it to your site.
  17. Did Jon say you could use the skin?
  18. And whoever is giving out negative ratings...
  19. Just a notice to everyone - I am not giving up on freshJet yet, so please do not take this as a chance to ask me to join your VAs.
  20. Yes of course, but this still doesn't necessarily mean that the CEO must fly for his VA because he made it.
  21. Yes but I didn't open it for me to fly for. I opened it for the VA community to fly for. How many real-world CEOs fly for their airline?
  22. I don't fly for my own... Yeah, dunno about that I'm afraid. I need to sort some things out.
  23. Yeah I tried but got rejected because I'm under 16
  24. I am interested in joining a Lufthansa VA, preferably phpVMS powered. There is D1 Virtual, but they're site is not complete and it's not great. If anyone is interested in creating one, send me a PM as I may be interested in helping out with schedules, website, etc
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