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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. I've added it manually through phpMyAdmin but it won't show in the admin panel or on the site...
  2. How can I edit that error message then?
  3. Is $aircraft correct?
  4. OK that cleared up slightly, still something wrong with line 1: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/freshje1/public_html/testskin/core/templates/fleet_maintenance.tpl on line 1
  5. You can sign up if you like, it's a test site anyway, so I locked it so no one can nick anything.
  6. Didn't work. Keep getting errors. Now got: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting '(' in /home/freshje1/public_html/testskin/core/templates/fleet_maintenance.tpl on line 1 <?php foreach {$aircraft as $ac}?> <table border="1"> <tr> <td width="200"><?php echo $ac->registration ?></td> <td width="200">Last Check</td> <td width="200">Next Due</td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?>
  7. There is no data. It wouldn't let me add the aircraft. That shouldn't come back with this though - it's an error in the code...
  8. Yes I've done all that. It's a PHP error. What's wrong with the code? Here's a link: http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/testskin/index.php/fleetmaintenance
  9. I am trying to create another aircraft list but with registrations and type only, for the maintenance module. I've got this: <?php foreach $aircraft as $aircraft( ?> <html> <table border="1"> <tr> <td width="200"><?php echo $aircraft->registration ?></td> <td width="200">Last Check</td> <td width="200">Next Due</td> </tr> </table> </html> <?php ) ?> But get: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/freshje1/public_html/testskin/core/templates/fleet_maintenance.tpl on line 1
  10. Today I was thinking of a module where you can check up on aircraft maintenance and line checks. So, for example, you have a list of your fleet in the Admin panel and column says 'Last Check' and then the name of the check and the date it was carried out, like this: Registration | Last Check | Next Check It could also link to your expenses so that each check costs you, and perhaps even make the aircraft inactive for a day or so so that no one can fly it. Thoughts?
  11. And the schedules are hard to read...
  12. Can I have the code for how to insert country separators into the drop-downs? Like in this example (hope you don't mind Staurt ): http://execair.org/index.php/despatch
  13. What do you all think? I love the Switch to Europe/UK feature! http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php/pages/routemap Here's the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Image Change Demo</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeIt(objName) { //The image object accessed through its id we mentioned in the DIV block which is going to be visible currently var obj = document.getElementById(objName); //An array that hold the IDs of images that we mentioned in their DIV blocks var objId = new Array(); //Storing the image IDs into the array starts here objId[0] = "image1"; objId[1] = "image2"; objId[2] = "image3"; objId[3] = "image4"; objId[4] = "image5"; //Storing the image IDs into the array ends here //A counter variable going to use for iteration var i; //A variable that can hold all the other object references other than the object which is going to be visible var tempObj; //The following loop does the display of a single image based on its ID. The image whose ID we passed into this function will be the //only image that is displayed rest of the images will be hidden based on their IDs and that part has been handled by the else part //of the if statement within this loop. for(i=0;i<objId.length;i++) { if(objName == objId[i]) { obj.style.display = "block"; } else { tempObj = document.getElementById(objId[i]); tempObj.style.display = "none"; } } return; } </script> </head> <body> <div id="image1"> <img src="1.jpg" border="0" alt="one" /> </div> <div id="image2" style="display:none"> <img src="2.jpg" border="0" alt="two" /> </div> <div id="image3" style="display:none"> <img src="3.jpg" border="0" alt="three" /> </div> <div id="image4" style="display:none"> <img src="4.jpg" border="0" alt="four" /> </div> <div id="image5" style="display:none"> <img src="5.jpg" border="0" alt="five" /> </div> <br><br> <a id="one" href="#" onclick="changeIt('image1');">one</a> <a id="two" href="#" onclick="changeIt('image2');">two</a> <a id="three" href="#" onclick="changeIt('image3');">three</a> <a id="four" href="#" onclick="changeIt('image4');">four</a> <a id="five" href="#" onclick="changeIt('image5');">five</a> </body> </html>
  14. Well I was thinking about purchasing items on board, but even then, each flight is costly.
  15. I like the site! But you should find an alternative to the PDF timetable. Type it out yourself or something.
  16. Here is my Balance Sheet for the last 3 months: And Breakdown: What the hell is going on? Is it a fuel price problem?
  17. Thanks.
  18. Just as the title says. Why is it that when you select your country, Scotland is separate from the UK?
  19. When I click on Edit Profile, I get the following message:
  20. I just typed a LONG email, clicked send, and I got the 'Please enter a subject' error. And your email is now gone. Can't it stay on the same page, and have the error appear next to the subject box?
  21. If it's not clear, that's Scotland in the background, and I clicked on a VOR which is actually Turnberry (TRN), yet it says it's Tehran...
  22. OK - what kind of a name is that? TS666? WTF? And the domain name? NOPE.
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