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  1. Hello, could someone help me in making a dropdown for this skin, i'm trying to do that for few weeks now, but without success... I would really appreciate any help regarding to this. Thanks!
  2. So noone will relase it? ;(
  3. Any hope for this code? would really appreciate that. Thanks.
  4. Hi, and thanks for sharing this great addon, i really appreciate your work. however, I have one question, I want to add RWY lenght and ILS frequencies for each runway, I guess to make it show up in your addon, i have to figure out how to add column to "add a new airport" in Admin panel section, and then just paste the code from there to airport_info.tpl, but as i am total noob in coding i would appreciate if someone could help me in this. Thanks.
  5. Hello, in my VA i want to display flightplan in this format bellow: (FPL-BTI6G1-IS -B733/M-SPRWY/S -EVRA1206 -N0424F360 VALED UM869 LEP UM864 NINTA M864 KOLJA M611 LANGO T502 ALASA UT502 DEGUL UN872 PAM UL980 REFSO UY76 KOPUL -EGKK0243 EGLL -EET/EYVL0030 ESAA0034 EKDK0111 EDWW0128 EHAA0150 EGTT0226 REG/YLBBK OPR/AIRBALTIC DOF/110525 RVR/200 ORGN/EVRABTIO) cause this is the way they are displayed in real life crew briefings, but when i insert this type of flightplan in route, in briefing it looks like this: For some reason it inserts "RN" in places where line break is. So the question is how to remove that and let it to display the flpln in the same format it was entered in the system? Thanks a lot!
  6. Anyone? I really need this for my VA and any information will be appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Hello, i know that there has been topics related to this but i couldn't find any valuable information. So basicly what i need for my VA is to determine pilot's location and allow him to book only flights available from his current location, for example pilot flies from EGKK to EVRA, phpvms will show only flights from EVRA. I know that other airlines under phpvms has managed to do that. Thanks
  8. He's asking for aircraft locations i think, for example if i have aircraft YL-BBJ (<--Reg number of the a/c) and its last flight was EVRA-EGKK, then it can be only booked and flown from its current location (EGKK) not from other locations.
  9. Anyone?, i really need this one Thanks.
  10. Sorry for bringing up an old topic but is there working code of it? I really need this option in my VA, i have seen some of the VA's from PHPvms has managed to do that Thanks in advice.
  11. Ok, i made it here is working code for flight board
  12. Still nothing :/
  13. looks like you are using other flight board from other post, cause this one looks very different from the your picture..
  14. It does not show aircraft type, but according to the code it should show it
  15. Hello, any picture how it looks ? thanks
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