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  1. Hi, How put schedules search by flightnumber ? Thanks
  2. Tomgis34


    Thanks Jeff
  3. Tomgis34


    I have tried this but it doesn't work
  4. Tomgis34


    How put a link in table ? I would like to put link to Flight briefing. Thanks.
  5. I have checked all config files with Notepad ++ and I found no white space and I have always problems
  6. No solution ?
  7. Thanks
  8. /** * Log the user in */ public static function ProcessLogin($useridoremail, $password) { # Allow them to login in any manner: # Email: blah@blah.com # Pilot ID: VMA0001, VMA 001, etc # Just ID: 001 if (is_numeric($useridoremail)) { $useridoremail = $useridoremail - intval(Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET')); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pilots WHERE pilotid=' . $useridoremail; } else { # They're logging in with an email if (preg_match('/^.*\@.*$/i', $useridoremail) > 0) { $emailaddress = DB::escape($useridoremail); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pilots WHERE email=\'' . $useridoremail . '\''; } # They're loggin in with a pilot id elseif (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z]*)(.*)(\d*)/', $useridoremail, $matches) > 0) { $id = trim($matches[2]); $id = $id - intval(Config::Get('PILOTID_OFFSET')); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'pilots WHERE pilotid=' . $id; } # No idea else { self::$error_message = 'Invalid user ID'; return false; } } $password = DB::escape($password); $userinfo = DB::get_row($sql); if (!$userinfo) { self::$error_message = 'This user does not exist'; return false; } /*if($userinfo->retired == 1) { self::$error_message = 'Votre compte est désactivé, contactez un staff pour réactiver votre compte'; return false; } if($userinfo->retired == 2) { self::$error_message = 'Votre compte est suspendu, veuillez contactez la direction pour avoir plus d'information'; return false; } if($userinfo->retired == 3) { self::$error_message = 'Votre compte est en mode absent, Contacter la Direction RH pour le remettre en activité'; return false; }*/ //ok now check it $hash = md5($password . $userinfo->salt); if ($hash == $userinfo->password) { self::$userinfo = $userinfo; self::update_session(self::$session_id, self::$userinfo->pilotid); SessionManager::Set('loggedin', 'true'); SessionManager::Set('userinfo', $userinfo); SessionManager::Set('usergroups', PilotGroups::GetUserGroups($userinfo->pilotid)); PilotData::updateProfile($pilotid, array('lastlogin' => 'NOW()', 'lastip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], )); return true; } else { self::$error_message = 'Invalid login, please check your username and password'; self::LogOut(); return false; } } /** * Log them out */ public static function LogOut() { #self::remove_sessions(SessionManager::GetValue('userinfo', 'pilotid')); # Mark them as guest self::update_session(self::$session_id, 0); # "Ghost" entry //self::start_session(self::$userinfo->pilotid); // Orphaned? SessionManager::Set('loggedin', false); SessionManager::Set('userinfo', ''); SessionManager::Set('usergroups', ''); # Delete cookie $_COOKIE[VMS_AUTH_COOKIE] = ''; setcookie(VMS_AUTH_COOKIE, true); self::$loggedin = false; } } I don't see on line 285 a relation with in-active user.
  9. I have just missed a part of code. But when I set Inactive/Suspended/On Leave status, user can access on the website as active user. Can you help me ?
  10. I solved problem
  11. Hi, I want to show that in pilot list but he doesn't work can you help me : <td><div align="center"><?php if($pilot->retired == '1') {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/aer/images/no.png" alt="warning" /> - Inactif';} else if($pilot->retired == '2') {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/aer/images/no.png" alt="warning" /> - Suspendu';} else if($pilot->retired == '3') {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/aer/images/no.png" alt="warning" /> - En Congé';} else {echo '<img src="'.SITE_URL.'/lib/skins/aer/images/yes.png" alt="warning" /> - Actif';} ?></div></td>
  12. Thanks very much !
  13. Hi, It's urgent, I sincerely ask you to help us Thanks in advance.
  14. Ok but we haven't find that
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