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Juan Carlos Esteve

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Everything posted by Juan Carlos Esteve

  1. Great!!! thanks Vanser and TAV1702
  2. Yes, I understood that. But what does The Boarding Pass in a bid fligth mean??? a person is a pilot in flight and a passenger too ???
  3. Hello everybody, I'm starting in PHPVMS and I'm trying to understand all the functions it has. I can't understand the 'bid' meaning. What is it's goal? Can anyone introduce me in this concept. I also don't understand what is the boardingpass done for. Thaks in advance, Juan
  4. Hello, we has hosting at www.dreamhost.com, isn't free We can't maintain a complete list of airport. 43000 reg in memory?? humm is too much. phpVMS is wonderfull any way Thanks !!
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