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  1. is this module no longer available? its not on github anymore.
  2. That did it and is exactly what im looking for. THANKS!
  3. Ive done that in the past for a couple modules but this new ones i have will not work changing the files from php->tpl and editing php. i need to be able to run the php modules rather than tpl. just saw your edit to GitHub. Ill give that a try.
  4. so im a little confused about what version to actually use. I have a current installation of phpvms that works great except i want to be able to use .php modules rather than the old .tpl modules. Simple reason, theres a module i have that is originally a .php and i convereted it to .tpl while editing all php coding, it still doesnt work. I think i have version 2.1.936 installed, thats what it says down at the bottom. However, the change log has 2.1.938 listed on it and everything that is listed in the change log is a working feature in my phpvms. I downloaded the "update" package and attempted an update but it says i am already up to date. I downloaded beta and the bottom says version v2.1.934-202-g9a77c3d. So what version do i have any why do .php modules not work? Thats basically what i want to have happen is to get .php modules to work.
  5. something so simple.... THANKS!
  6. Hello. So i'm working on a custom pilot center using Action.php to avoid the java scripts and junk from my current theme. Anyway, im setting up the pages, for example, my flight bids. Theres the following code in there: <td><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep/'.$bid->bidid);?>">File PIREP</a><br /> When i have http://localhost/site/action.php/schedules/bids open and you click on "File PIREP" it takes me back to Index.php. It needs to go to action.php. How would i change the above code to go to action.php rather than "URL" which goes to Index?
  7. Are there any plans to make a post a "sticky" in this module? Great module btw. I have almost fully skinned it to match my website!
  8. That is what i found with the website template and it works fine using index.php but even if i were to delete the schedule tpl files and use action.php, i still get the no route passed error. SimPilot's Real Schedule addon fixed this?
  9. So i'm having extreme difficulty getting my custom pilot center's schedules, working with action.php, to be able to add bids without giving the well known "No route Passed" error. I have done everything i can think of to removing all references of ANY javascript being called in to copying everything in core_htmlhead.tpl and placing it in either of the schedule_x.tpl files. Nothing will get this to work! I have it working on my website now that does not have a custom pilot center page. Just having issues adding bids using action.php...... So now, instead, i am looking at making it just a link, as described in http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7431-no-route-passed-solved/page__p__49472 but i find it annoying that it takes you to another page just to say "Bid Added" Is there any way to make the below code (which is a popup message) show instead of switching to a different website? Command: toastr[success]("Your bid has been added", "Flight Schdules") toastr.options = { "closeButton": true, "debug": false, "positionClass": "toast-top-right", "onclick": null, "showDuration": "1000", "hideDuration": "1000", "timeOut": "5000", "extendedTimeOut": "1000", "showEasing": "swing", "hideEasing": "linear", "showMethod": "fadeIn", "hideMethod": "fadeOut" }
  10. Just installed this module but when i go to /Screenshots, it displays nothing but my pages header and footer. No content at all. Confirmed that SQL tables have been created and the module is in the core/modules folder. Poked around for a bit and at a loss...
  11. sorry, flight school has been nuts the last few weeks trying to get ready for a checkride... I found the idiot mistake lol i was editing the WEIGHT and not LIQUID. Thanks
  12. so i was trying to figure out why fuel prices were so low (like around $1.21) and when i submit the pirep, it comes back as being almost $15,000 in the hole! Found that the PIREP wants fuel to be inputted as KG. I checked the config and it is set to show in lbs but it still doesnt. Kind of annoying having to convert lbs to kg and may be confusing to some pilots in the airline. Is there a way to change it to lbs rather than kg?
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