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Everything posted by jobi

  1. Our promotional poster: www.v-hp.de Joe
  2. Hi pilot, delete the line 514 in the StatsData.class.php The whole should look like this: public static function TotalFlights($airline_code = '') { return self::getTotalForCol(array( 'table' => 'pireps', 'column' => 'load', 'airline_code' => $airline_code, 'where' => array('accepted' => PIREP_ACCEPTED), ) ); } delete also: 'func' => 'SUM', Joe
  3. Ok problem solved itself, but thank you public static function Landingmit($airline_code = '') { return round(self::getTotalForCol(array( 'table' => 'pireps', 'column' => 'landingrate', 'airline_code' => $airline_code, 'where' => array('accepted' => PIREP_ACCEPTED), 'func' => 'avg', )),0); } Joe
  4. Sorry I ask again, I do not know how I do I just get errors insert. I understand it not also be inserted in that file must Thanks, Joe
  5. How do I build it here as a public static function TotalFuelBurned($airline_code = '') { return self::getTotalForCol(array( 'table' => 'pireps', 'column' => 'fuelused', 'airline_code' => $airline_code, 'where' => array('accepted' => PIREP_ACCEPTED), 'func' => 'SUM', ) ); Thank you for the first time for the help Joe
  6. Hi pilot, how do I get rounded values ​​in the statistics or even appear without a comma? Thanks for your help ... http://v-hp.ath.cx//vms/index.php/acars Joe
  7. Hi Nabeel, ok I'll do, thank you for the first time to the rescue, made great. It's just not the fact at the VACentral Livemap not, but that's not so bad, that was the important pilot data properly again visible. I wish you a happy Easter weekend LG Jobi
  8. Hi Nabeel I have the version v2.1.934-110-gdd75dd6, but I update the 111 and 112 made, it is still version v2.1.934-110-gdd75dd6. The errors are unfortunately still there LG Jobi
  9. Hallo, We have two big problems: First, the flight hours are not expected and therefore can not be established ranks secondly, on the LiveMap of VACentral does not display all data. Thank you in advance and sory for the bad English http://v-hp.ath.cx//vms/index.php/ http://www.v-hp.de/ Jobi
  10. Hello unfortunately I have big problems, 1. there are the data we incorrectly displayed on the side of Livemap VACentral. 2. It shows the total flight hours wrong. 3. Error message in the database even though the record is available. I thank you in advance for the help. Joe
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