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Posts posted by chris2

  1. 548218_326087990820623_1787167481_n.jpg

    VroomJet Virtual is the future of virtual online flying. We provide fast, convenient, and good value for money flight for the professional businessman and the holiday maker; putting the vroom into your flying! With our ever growing route network, modern fleet of aircraft and professional website you can take your virtual pilot career to a whole new level by choosing to fly with VroomJet Virtual.

    Interested? Well please standby because we are coming soon!

  2. Hi

    I am getting errors on some core pages on my website. Replacing the file does not fix them. Some of the errors are:

    "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/a6004725/public_html/core/modules/PopUpNews/PopUpNews.php:1) in /home/a6004725/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 143"

    "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/a6004725/public_html/core/modules/PopUpNews/PopUpNews.php:1) in /home/a6004725/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 154"

    "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/a6004725/public_html/core/modules/PopUpNews/PopUpNews.php:1) in /home/a6004725/public_html/core/common/Auth.class.php on line 341"

    Does anyone know how to fix them?

    Many thanks


  3. Hi,

    I have been trying to get a new pilot table on my frount page. What I want is a table holding 4 new pilots, and up-dates when a new pilot signs up.

    Can anyone help me on that?

    Many Thanks


  4. Hi

    I am trying to make a server on my pc so i can test new things with out going onto the internet. I am thinking of XAMPP but i want to know if when i am running the server, can anyone get onto it through the internet, or is it just me who can access it?

    many thanks


  5. Hi

    Can anyone please show me how i can make a page in dreamwever, where a user can enter information, store it on the SQL database and then another page which shows the information?

    Many Thanks


  6. Hi,

    I have copied all SQL database for the tables of my 9 pilots and put it into the SQL database on the new server. When adding the pilots hours, for some reason or another if i give them 03:30 hours, phpvms says -03:30 hours. How do you get minus hours? Even when the hours are reset to 0 and then added manually by flying a pirep it still says - 03:30.

    Does any one know whats going on?

    Many thanks


  7. Thanks for the feedback. We are collecting the information because we are looking to move all web services onto a new server, and with a new style of website. All comments have been added to the "to do list" and will hopefully be implemented on the new web site and server.

  8. Hi,

    Currently we are collection information from a wide range of sources with information of what they think about our Air UK Virtual. We would like you to give your opinons on what you think about the airline. Comments both good and bad are needed. Post your you opinions on:




    Content of the website

    and anything more you can think off.

    No comment is too bad.

    Many thanks



  9. Hi,

    I am going to change web hosting, but a bit worried about bandwidth. I have found one who will give me 100GB of bandwidth a month. Would this be enough for phpvms and a forum? And would 15000MB of disk space be enough?



  10. Hi,

    I have got a few pages were the page content (i.e. a table) brakes through the 900px wrapper constrained with. I have attempted to solve this problem by changing the size of the content, but with no look. One of the pages which does this is:http://www.airukvirtual.co.cc/index.php/faq you can see that on the right side under the banner the 900px explodes out to something like 912px. This page i do not use any longer because i have a ticket system and a knowledgeable to replace it but i also have the same problem my pilot center.

    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Many thanks


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