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Everything posted by ziggy08

  1. Hello, I am the COO of Virtual United (www.virtualua.org). What Cory has stated is correct. We have both a fully custom coded website and ACARS, and we do not use phpvms in any way. Our template was purchased from a professional template website and adapted for our needs, then lots of phpvms VA's saw our success and used the template on their phpvms website. It is possible to use custom code on a phpvms website, and that's why you see phpvms VA's with our layout.
  2. What exactly do you mean by that.....?
  3. Tom, Unfortunately, we are still working on getting the actual website and skins up on the internet, but I had MyVAS make the ACARS first so I can have an initial selling point for pilots when we open. All the ACARS stuff is hosted on their servers at the moment until I get my site up and running. ziggy
  4. Thanks for the post Austin! And for everyone on the fence about what ACARS program to purchase, I recently got a custom PHPVMS ACARS created for my up and coming VA, it is currently in the Beta stages and it is AMAZING. The company is MyVASolutions and their customer service has been flawless, they show me previews very often and talk to me every few days about the features and confirming the ways I wanted these features created. I've flown on systems created by both people and each is very good. I definitely recommend checking them out if you are on the fence. ziggy
  5. I see AIRAC's 1201 and 1202. 1202 just came out too. I clicked on 1202 to verify it's a link to a torrent on the pirate bay. Something needs to be done about this.
  6. Interesting post flightguy, I'll be sure to steer clear.
  7. ziggy08


    If there is anyone who knows how to use PHP to setup phpVMS, please email me at jmlamb80@yahoo.com if you are willing to help. I am the PR director at a new and upcoming VA and would like to integrate this system into our VA.
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