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  1. mobitu

    wow READ ALERT!

    I have emailed you !!!
  2. hello again, could you pls explain how to create this module... I think first i have to create a module and put somehow: case 'stats': Template::Set('toproutes', StatsData::TopRoutes(1)); Template::Set('topaircraft', StatsData::AircraftUsage(5)); Template::Show('stats_operations.tpl'); and then add to stats_operations.tpl <?php if(!$toproutes) { echo 'No Top Routes Exist'; return; } foreach($toproutes as $report) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"><?php echo $report->code; ?><?php echo $report->flightnum; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $report->depicao; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $report->arricao; ?></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $report->distance; ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> for top routes for example. I think i have all mess up ! sorry :-[
  3. mobitu


    Hi Roger ! yess i added the description in admin panel, the fact is that in iE it shows but in Firefox it doesnt.
  4. mobitu


    mmmm... i reply myself... I just found that somehow in Firefox doesnt work... With IE it shows perfect the descriptcion. How to show in firefox?
  5. mobitu


    Hello, i have problems with awards... I see in pilot_public_profile.tpl the award and everyting right but when i put the mouse cursor over the award, the image doesnt say the description of the award just like it suposse to do in <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> in admin panel i have written a despcripcion of the award and everything is right i think does anyone has the same problem? thanks all
  6. mmmm, it does not work for me... :- i get <?php StatsData::AircraftUsage(5); ?> and it does not work... did i made anything wrong?
  7. Hi again, is there a way to put in a stats page the top routes flown and the top aircraft uesd by the pilots?
  8. that was it !!! i just done it and works perfect !!! thanks again man
  9. Thanks again Simpilot !!! Great work just one thing... in: <?php VastatsData::totalmilesflown(); ?> I get 0. any ideas?
  10. Welldone !!! it now works just perfect !!! just one little sugesttion... in messages sent... is there a way to delete this messages? because there is no link with delete in this feature made. thanks simpilot !!!
  11. Good work simpilot !!! I also have everything right but a send a mail, it says AIRmail sent! but nothing happends... I replaced the mail.php you just gave but happends the same, any ideas?
  12. Thanks Nabeel, could you be more accurate on how to do it? if you could give me some more tips i would try it thanks
  13. Me too !!! i would like to test it
  14. Hello, I want to get in pilot_public_profile to show the bids a pilots have... for example... por user 1 to to show in his public profile just his flight bids and not all the bids for all pilots. I get this code: <p><?php MainController::Run('FrontBids', 'RecentFrontPage',5); ?></p> but if i put this in public_profile i get the information for all pilots in the company. Can i get the recent bids individually for each pilot in his profile? thanks again
  15. sorry lol but it also does not work fo me
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