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Everything posted by VAEA

  1. This is what I have done so far
  2. Great skin Iain.I am working on it at present on a mirror site and will be changing my site to it on the 1st of March
  3. Clear your browser Ctrl F5 . I think you are looking at the old site. It happened to me Great new site by the way Jeff
  4. Thanks Reza I got it sorted
  5. Hi there, I have always been impressed with your service. Is your URL still http://www.fs-products.net/ I would like to partner up with you Jeff. will I email you or post here Regards,
  6. Sorted it. I had to change one of the images to a smaller size.
  7. Still not having any luck with this. I have tried changing the WIDTH in the .tpl files but nothing happens
  8. Vatsim we are an ATO
  9. Hi great module thanks. Just one thing I have been trying to change the blue background to 600px wide as it goes over my side aera. Can you tell me what I need to change thank you. Alan
  10. I think this is what you need <?php $cws = new CodonWebService(); $usersonline = StatsData::UsersOnline(); $guestsonline = StatsData::GuestsOnline(); ?> <div style='text-align: left; font-weight: bold; font-size: 200%; color: #009933'>Pilots Online <p> </p> </div> <?php $shown = array(); foreach($usersonline as $pilot) { if(in_array($pilot->pilotid, $shown)) continue; else $shown[] = $pilot->pilotid; echo "<p>"; echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location).'" alt="'.Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location).'" />'; echo " {$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />"; echo "</p>"; } ?> <div style='text-align: left; font-weight: bold; font-size: 200%; color: #009933'>Guests Online <p> </p> </div> <div> <p class="txt-red10">Currently <?php echo count($guestsonline);?> guest(s) visiting</div> <p></p>
  11. delete please
  12. Hi all. Got it sorted it is /usr/bin/wget http://www.example.com/core/trellis/sources/pop3.php
  13. Hi hope someone can help. I have installed Trellis Helpdesk onto my site and I am linking an email address to trellis. I have been trying to set up a cron job to upload the tickets from the email address. I have been trying /usr/bin/php -q /home/mywebsite/public_html/core/trellis/sources/pop3.php and php -q /home/mywebsite/public_html/core/trellis/sources/pop3.php but i keep getting a email saying Cron Daemon root@master.fivedev.net 4:35 PM (4 minutes ago) to me No input file specified.Thanking you in advance.Alan
  14. Thanks Daniel that sorted it
  15. Can anyone please tell me how to get rid of the black dots in the pilot center View my PIREPs View a map of all my flights File a Pilot Report View Flight Schedules View my flight bids View VA Finances Thanks in advance
  16. Delete this post please
  17. Parkho , How did you find that . After all that work. And yes mate its working yayyyyyyyyyyyy.. I am forever in your debt. Thanks MATE
  18. Sorry mate not working have I put it in the correct place if (!PIREPData::updateFlightReport($this->post->pirepid, $data)) { $this->set('message', 'There was an error editing your PIREP'); $this->render('core_error.tpl'); return false; } PIREPData::SaveFields($this->post->pirepid, $_POST); //Accept or reject? $this->post->id = $this->post->pirepid; $submit = strtolower($this->post->submit_pirep); // Add a comment if (trim($this->post->comment) != '' && $submit != 'reject pirep') { PIREPData::AddComment($this->post->pirepid, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, $this->post->comment); } if ($submit == 'accept pirep') { $this->approve_pirep_post(); $this->set('firstname', $pirep_details->firstname); $this->set('lastname', $pirep_details->lastname); $this->set('pirepid', $pirepid); $message = Template::GetTemplate('email_pirep_accep.tpl', true); Util::SendEmail($pirep_details->email, 'Comment Added', $message); } elseif ($submit == 'reject pirep') { $this->reject_pirep_post(); } StatsData::UpdateTotalHours(); # Refresh the PIREP # $pirepInfo = PIREPData::getReportDetails($this->post_action->pirepid); PilotData::updatePilotStats($pirepInfo->pilotid); LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Edited PIREP #' . $this->post->id); return true; } }
  19. deleted
  20. I now have 347 emails Parko
  21. Its opened now . Must still be the server problems. Yes I see the send email button
  22. I cant get view recent reports to open it just sits with the timer going and then goes back to the dashboard
  23. Where mate
  24. Ignore the last post Parko. It must have been the fivedev problem interfereing. I have now recieved 40 emails for the same pirep
  25. ok just sent in a pirep and accepted and guess what mate no email arghhhhhhhhhhhh
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