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Everything posted by xhubix

  1. Yes, thats what i have done, before editing the templates ;-) Thanks for your Information
  2. Sorry my Failure! Problem solved with <div>-tag and CSS.
  3. Hi Guys, I have a Question about the Standart News System of phpVMS. Is there a way to change the News Layout from TITLE BODY POSTED BY to TITLE | TITLE BODY | BODY POSTED BY | POSTED BY so that in one row are two news items Great Thanks xhubix
  4. Hey Guys, I know this Post is very old, but i have the Solution of this Problem. Now u don´t need to add or create a php.ini File u only open up the local.config.php in your core Folder and edit following Line Find this in your local.config.php # See more details about these in the docs Config::Set('PAGE_EXT', '.htm'); # .htm is fine. You can still run PHP Config::Set('PILOTID_OFFSET', 0); # What # to start pilot ID's from Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 3); # Length of the Pilot ID Config::Set('UNITS', 'nm'); # Your units: nm, mi or km Config::Set('LOAD_FACTOR', '82'); # %age load factor Config::Set('CARGO_UNITS', 'kg'); and than insert a new line looks like this # See more details about these in the docs date_default_timezone_set('CET'); # Setup the Timezone "CET, UTC" Config::Set('PAGE_EXT', '.htm'); # .htm is fine. You can still run PHP Config::Set('PILOTID_OFFSET', 0); # What # to start pilot ID's from Config::Set('PILOTID_LENGTH', 3); # Length of the Pilot ID Config::Set('UNITS', 'nm'); # Your units: nm, mi or km Config::Set('LOAD_FACTOR', '82'); # %age load factor Config::Set('CARGO_UNITS', 'kg'); Now u have set the PHPVMS Timezone to Central European Time, u can also take the UTC Time.... This works and helps out to fix this problem on the Page of my friend - Hamburg Airways Virtual
  5. okay thanks , i try my best. i let you know when i have found a way to solve this
  6. Hello Community, I added in the following Database phpvms_pilots eight new Fields called "vatsimid, ivaoid, msn, icq, skype, nearest aiport as nearest and birthday" so far so good. My Pilot_main.tpl looks like this <table id="profile" width="550" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#666666"><center><strong><font color="#FFFFFF">Member Details</font></strong></center></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Name</td> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $userinfo->firstname . ' ' . $userinfo->lastname; ?></td> <td valign="top" align="center" rowspan="12" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><img src="<?php echo PilotData::getPilotAvatar($pilotcode); ?>" /><br /> <br /><strong><?php echo $userinfo->rank;?></strong><br /> <img src="<?php echo $userinfo->rankimage ?>" /><br /> <br /> <br /> <strong>OPTIONEN</strong><br /> <br /><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/editprofile'); ?>">Profil editieren</a><br /> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/changepassword'); ?>">Passwort ändern</a><br /> <a href="<?php echo url('/profile/badge'); ?>">Signatur anzeigen</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">Piloten ID </td> <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><?php echo $pilotcode; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Mitglied seit</td> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $userinfo->joindate;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">letzter Login</td> <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><?php echo $userinfo->lastlogin;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Nächster Flughafen</td> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $userinfo->airport;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">Geburtstag</td> <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><?php echo $userinfo->birthday;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">eMail</td> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $userinfo->email;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">ICQ</td> <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><?php echo $userinfo->icq;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">MSN</td> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $userinfo->msn;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">Skype</td> <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><?php echo $userinfo->skype;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">IVAO-ID</td> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><?php echo $userinfo->ivao;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">VATSIM-ID</td> <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><?php echo $userinfo->vatsim;?></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table id="profile" width="550" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#666666"><center><font style="font-weight:bold; color:#FFFFFF;">Fortschritt</font></center></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC">Du brauchst noch <?php echo ($nextrank->minhours - $pilot_hours)?> Stunden bis zu deinem Aufstieg zum <strong><?php echo $nextrank->rank?></strong></td> </tr> </table> So far so good, but when i would like to Edit this new rows, i press the submit button and came back to my profile, there are no changes submitted Can anyone gave me an Code to get this .tpl Working ? Greets from Austria xhubix
  7. Mein erster Bootleg ist draussen ... Viel Spass beim hören. Comment it, Like it and Share it.My First Bootleg is out now! Have Fun to hear the ultimate sound ;-)http://soundcloud.com/clubdj_beatmania/locked-out-for-more-metropolis

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