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    Bari, Italy

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  1. Hi flyzen, I think that if you want to make an official virtual airline of a real word airline, you must have a written permission about their logos, name etc etc... Instead, if you want to make a not-official VA of a real VA you can't use the officials trademarks. Ps I am not a lawyer . Marco
  2. My idea is rewrite the phpVMS to work with the Joomla! framework, but this is an hard work... : because I have saw that it is based on Codon Framework, right? Can I have an operative diagram chart of phpVMS? Marco
  3. Hello, is it possible make a joomla component using phpvms for a best integration? ??? I can study to create a component, because I'm very familiar with Joomla CMS customization. Marco
  4. I-MAXI

    CargoB va Skin

    Hi, for me it's too classic and schematic, so you can personalize for example some menu bars make these gradient. However the banner and top bar are greats. Marco
  5. Hi, here is a useful web site to find pretty icons http://www.iconspedia.com/cat/applications---hardware/
  6. I wait that you check it and you advice me when i can start translate, ok?
  7. Hello, Can I translate some important phpVMS Docs and create a small Italian docs section on forum or wiki? Marco
  8. eh eh you have installed recaptcha eh? is a nice mod, isn't it?
  9. there are two logos:
  10. How i can help you? If possible...
  11. I have some problems during post an attachments... It's valid this competition? ???
  12. I have heard the captcha nothing!
  13. okay I wait.
  14. Ehm no, i'm referring to phpVMS Official Forum
  15. However I advice to use reCaptcha plugin for SMF it's more secure than SMF default captcha. Here is the link for SMF Mod: http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1044 Here is the link of reCaptcha to get API key: http://recaptcha.net/ It's compatible on SMF 2.0 RC1-1. Marco
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