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Everything posted by Impulse

  1. Would you say this is good?
  2. I suppose those people who think that 30 is too low have never used it on Windows Vista
  3. Hi All, My last dedicated FSX computer died, and I've been using FSX on the family laptop, but I've decided to get one of my own, for FSX. My Budget can only strech to getting a used PC(Around $600AUD), so I've been doing some digging, and found these. (Sorry for basic info, sellers weren't helpful) -4ghz amd quad core proccesor -2gb AMD Radeon HD video -8gb 2133mhz ddr3 ram -2Tb hard drive -Dvd burner Or CPU: Intel CORE 2 quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz Motherboard: ASUS PSG4IT-M LX3 RAM: 8GB (4GB x 2 kit) DDR3 Graphics card: Gigabyte GV-NX845512 HD Hard Drive: WD 1TB. SATA 2x 19" LCD Moniters Ideas?
  4. Mods, can you please lock this, it has turned into a giant argument.
  5. I don't like the way the top of the white navigation bar moves into the blue backround, looks abit interesting
  6. That is why I have somebody helping, Also, some people are interested in flying and Airline mangement, and not all airlines can be like yours
  7. Some of us have other things to do, then sit in front of a screen Last time, I used the vAirline skin, which was excellent.
  8. Well, this is arkward, very arkward

  9. Well, this is arkward, very arkward

  10. Hello People! Some of you may remeber my last, failed VA, using free hosting. That, has gone to god and much like the mystical phoenix, a new VA rises from the Ashes, Impulse Virtual, We are a startup VA based in Germany, currently, we have 5 pilots, but we are hoping to expand. Unlike last time, our VA is being hosted by a friend, on his privete hosting computer. Our VA Currently is not concentrating on the fancy stuff of Skins, repaints and pilot manuals, we are concentrating on good, honest flying. We hope to see you there soon, The Impulse Virtual Team
  11. I own my own VA, but due to computer restrictions (Not being my computer etc) I cannot install ACARS, nor use ACARS, so for that, I always makesure I fly a route that has been flown before, so the times are roughly the same.
  12. It was fixed by my sitehost this morning, thanks anyway!
  13. Hi all, On my current VA, when filing a PIREP, once completed it says "there are no PIREPS to display" and when in the admin centre, it says no pending PIREPS, and there have been no PIREPs listed on the front page, The site URL is www.impulse-virtual.com Cheers!
  14. My site has been targeted by a hacking group or person leaving the message "HACKED BY ALFABRUNO7 dear australian goverment! Stop to spying indonesian " Just letting you know so you guys don't fall victim, I found the root of this message is called index.php and I'm hoping to get the site up and running again shortly! Impulse
  15. Hi all, I am looking for some webhosting, In the range of about $5 a month, so cheapish :| It just needs to run phpvms and maybe phpbb, I am currently with 000webhost, but I am looking somebody else. Ideas? Thanks! Impulse
  16. I still don't get it. Like some of the links are non-existant, how do I fix that?
  17. But does anybody know how to edit these pages?
  18. Problem was since self-solved
  19. Hi, I'm having problems with the routes showing up on my Schedules, which I have entered both manually and then replaced with a .csv file. I am using free hosting, but do you guys have any ideas as to why it's not showing up?
  20. Already tried reinstalling, the only thing left to do would be email the creator?
  21. Hi all I downloaded the great vairline skin, and found it great for my VA, but I have a few problems, how can I firstly edit the pages so it goes to a real page, rather then doing nothing, and when I click "edit profile" under the "Pilot Operations" tab, I get the following error message: Thanks! Impulse impulseinternational.site90.net
  22. Hi! How can I make it that new pilots have to do an Exam before completing sign up, if this is even possible at all. Thanks. Impulse www.impulseinternational.site90.net
  23. I have the same question. Great skin by the way!
  24. I've had a logo designed So Could somebody please make me a basic skin using this logo?
  25. Yes, I can view them, so I don't know :/
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