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  1. Hi! Could this be something that can be used with phpVMS? http://openflights.org/faq Source code: http://openflights.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/openflights/openflights/ Looks great on Google Earth too.
  2. Scandi7

    In Air Orange

    First of all thank you to all the talented posters on phpVMS forum. I have learned a lotfrom you guys about php, MySql, skinning and much more. Keep up the good trend:) This file contains inair images for use with phpVMS acars map. The images are made with the use of free image editor GIMP. It took me a hell of a time.... Installation 1. Take a backup of your root / lib / images / inair folder 2. Extract the file inair_orange.zip a temp or a desired folder. 3. Copy or move all the images you just unzipped into the root / lib / images / inair folder. Screenshot InAir_orange.zip (4shared) Scandi7
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