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  1. Ah okay. So it's a faster way of entering the info with numbers and letters. I'll see what I can do and repost if I have trouble
  2. Alright lemme take a gander Where would I get the info to make the flights?
  3. Bump.
  4. can i get schedules for my hubs like KDFW etc? or do i have to enter them manually? i guess my question is, is there anywhere to get pre done CSV templates for my hubs? KDFW, KSFO and EDDF?
  5. ah! it worked! hah! thank you so much jon, Stuart, and Mark! big help!!!
  6. says there is no module named WATERCOOLER.. do i move that folder into the Module folder?
  7. Hahaha I appreciate it guys. I'll try it when ibfet home.
  8. via FTP correct? is there a code i need to put in?
  9. Go cav VA theres a link to the page. now how do i add a forums deal on there so when they click it, itll automatically take them to my forums. ive tried adding a page but they have to click that page then click the link to get to it. i dont really like that.. anyone have any ideas?
  10. doesnt really help. that shows what i can add. my question is, i have my own forums through Yabb i want to put on my site, i want to customize my site to show things like landing rates..etc.. i guess my question is, how do i go about adding these things to my site? changing the banner etc?
  11. Thanks to servertas I did get it correct. Now I want to integrate my yabb forums so that they can click and go to them. Is that a module I need or something else inhave to do.
  12. how do i edit the wording? pictures etc?
  13. i have it in the main root, i have it in public_html. for whatever reason its not finding it. i dont know what im doing wrong.
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