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    Brasília - DF, Brazil

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  1. solution: http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.decon.php update the files in the folder: /core/lib/php-ofc-library I did this, and now running on version 7 of PHP.
  2. Pedro, download using this link above.
  3. I already managed to create this module!!!
  4. there is the possibility of placing restrictions also for aerodromes? The system we use actually compares the ranking of the pilot to the ranking of the aircraft when generating the schedule. This allow us to limit pilots with lower rankings to fly only one type of aircraft and a few aircrafts have a higher ranking to be used only on international flights. But we are trying now to edit the system, so it can compare the pilot ranking + aircraft ranking + airport ranking. This will allow us to have much more options when defining the rankings, limiting airports with dangerous operations such as SBRJ only to pilots with higher rankings. I would like your suggestions on how we may do this.
  5. .
  6. .
  7. place the link to download!
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