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Everything posted by Frans

  1. Frans


  2. Frans

    Kacars free eror

    The same error here Also I have informed my hosting company I have this error also I got to work when I enabled the charter flight option Otherwise return to the previous version
  3. Solved now works like a charm Wrong database because I us the IPS system for tracking flight on Ivao and Vatsim I try to put into the database manual and then show not up so I noted that it must use the other database (IPS) Thanks for this addon
  4. I have downloaded the files again And uploaded as in the achieve. Imported de sql in the phpvms database see attach but still the same error message that de link are not added I will try again it later again
  5. yes in the same database
  6. thanks for the cfg but still one problem with adding the charts see message There was an error adding the chart
  7. I have a small probleme Can noth add charts to the list I have installed the module 2 times also the database I think chart type see screen [solved]
  8. take you time
  9. :lol:
  10. nice stuf
  11. I cant wait
  12. me to HTTP-fout 500 (Internal Server Error):
  13. photoshop and DXTBmp.
  14. thankx forgot it
  15. I would like to encourage pilots to join Europe Virtual Airlines. What we offer: + support for FSX, FS2004, & Xplane + A friendly Staff that is willing to help + a totally clean website + No Acars needed when you fly on Vatsim or Ivao + A fleet in the Europe Airlines Colors + A Nice Forum + A TeamSpeak 3 in the future Also we are hiring for the following staff positions: + Hub managers ((do flight planning and fleet) for EGKK and the EDDM Hub visit us at http://www.europe-va.com
  16. hello here some examples form my fleet Europe Airlines fleet
  17. try to learn to make it by youself like i do is noth perfect but
  18. same probleme here try witg explore, firefox and google crome not results its a error on the server a think
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