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Everything posted by VVG2351WilliamGreenlee

  1. Is Angel Air VA still around? If not I'm looking for another VA to join.
  2. If we are still in service let me know.
  3. Are we Still running? Sorry guys my PC crashed and had to wait to get a new one.
  4. what? didn't know you had to install another program to use kACARS_Free. I downloaded it and it seemed to work this fine. maybe its because I use XP on my desktop and 7 on my laptop.
  5. What is this error code for. if its trying to say that my FSX is not running yeah it was.
  6. I know this is a bumb for this topic but I wanted to say that Angel Air VA is still around and we are still flying. I'm 31 of 32 pilots and I'm working on getting ten hours of flight time with AAVA. I have only been with the Airline for about two weeks now and I like the environment the staff has at AAVA. If your looking for a VA that is a fun and relaxed VA then I suggest that you check out Angel Air VA.
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