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  1. UPTADE I filed pirep manually, and when I tried to export from FSp, what happened? Guess what? I still didn't work, but just for those flights that wasn't the same I filed manually. This one, it exported with success. But why It could export a flight that was already on the database and couldn't export the others?!?!?!?
  2. apache2/php5+/Mysql
  3. yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh :D :D :D that worked ;D thanks a lot
  4. so crash, what did you do? i'm with the same problem. Everything runs right, but this!!!! =/
  5. Thanks turtle.... It worked, for registrations pages! In admin center, when I try to change someone's password trough pilot options and its less than the original value (in case, 5) it says "Password is less than 5 characters". Where else should I make changes?
  6. It looks like if the password is less than 6 characters the system don't accept the registration, and shows up the form with the password field empty. if anyone want to verify this, ask me the link.
  7. I finally found a host that works perfectly with my phps va systems. It looks like that was some error only with my local server @ my pc. didn't understand why it didn't work here......... anyway, everything solved.
  8. brand new windows xp
  9. first error: @ index: Recent Reports No reports have been filed Newest Pilots Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:AppServwwwva2coretemplatesfrontpage_recentpilots.tpl on line 3 second error: @ http://localhost/va2/index.php/Login/login/admin: after filling "email address" and "password" and click on "log in" the system shows "This user does not exist" I've tried every usernames and passwords during installation, but all of then returned "This user does not exist". So, I cannot login into admin section. Any ideas? PS: didn't messed up with nothing. Just unpacked and uploaded to host.
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