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Everything posted by ddlidd

  1. ddlidd

    CSS Skining

    Edit what files inside? I have a bunch of index.html and so..
  2. Well it can be Kacars or something similar
  3. ddlidd

    CSS Skining

    Okay so i would copy that?
  4. Tom how do i do that
  5. ddlidd

    CSS Skining

    How do i do that, Can you help me?
  6. I have downloaded a Css template how do i configure it to work with phpvms?
  7. ddlidd

    CSS Skining

    Hello i have downloaded a Css template from http://www.free-css.com/free-css-templates/page2/mokofactory.php#bookmarks But when i go to my admin and change the template to this it messes up my site. The files in the folder dont look like usaualy skins. PLEASE HELP!
  8. Okay
  9. Hello i was just owndering after i setup the phpvms website how would i intergrate it with IPS?
  10. I already asked him but he didnt respond
  11. Hello my virtual airline needs someone to make us a custom Kacars for our virtual airline. We are willing to pay for it i needed please contact me at ddlidd@swvirtual.net
  12. We are still looking for a Vice Ceo and 2 flight operations managers!! Not much work! We have a nice and clean teamspeak server and a 30% discount for Fs2 Crew products for all our pilots! We now have a training program too!
  13. Kacars is working for us now!!
  14. Good news we are now partnered up with 1 virtual airline and fs2crew!!
  15. Yea that is prabally true but still always looking )
  16. Give it a shot! Just try it for a few days if your not sure, i assure you you will grow to love our Virtual Airline in the next few days!
  17. Doesent anyone want the job we are growing everyday!
  18. Great thanks i am doing that now, btw do i need to do that with the exam center too? and how do i add the links for my admin to access the exams and my pilots?
  19. How do i update the module? i have not installed any module on my phpvms so yep!
  20. Hello you all i have installed brilliance skin for phpvms it works great i have custimiezed everything but i dont know how to remove the brilliance logo on the top and repace it with my own any ideas? swvirtual.net
  21. okay i am running the latest version of kacars and the error message is kacars free can not continue contact your site admin to fix this issue
  22. Every time i try to log into my own va pirep software kacars_free the config settings give me an error of it cannot continue please contact the admin. But i can use fsacars, any one know why?
  24. If anyone could please help me to change the default brilliance template front page logo to my southwest logo that would be great!! logo is found here:http://usera.imagecave.com/Optikzstudios/logo.jpg
  25. Virtual Airline Name: SWA Virtual Website: swvirtual.net
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