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  1. Ok, I cant bear with this anymore. all of these codes give me headachs! LOL. Here is the deal. I want a Completely custom Website. Colors, all of that Stuff. Money is not an option, and I am willing to pay up to $200 for this to be done! But here is the catch!: I would like this site to look like its a Custom ACARS system, but its not. Like, I dont want it to look like our site is with phpVMS, besides the "Powered by phpVMS" at the bottom. Nothing Againts phpVMS, but I just want it to look the best it can be . Someone please PM me with their portfolio or something. Thanks
  2. Lol, I did, I guess I searched the wrong tags Thanks.
  3. Hey guys, Any one know how to edit/add your schedule search so you can choose a Departure Airport, and Arrival Airport. So it shows the flights between the two airfields?? Just a Question
  4. Thanks,lol. Yea, its probly going to go south, but we will see
  5. Pilots, Continental Airlines Virtual (http://continentalva.net) is in DIRE need of a Webmaster. This webmaster should be knowledgeable in: pHp VMS (The site must be compatible to work with the phpVMS System) HTML/CSS Javascript PHP Designing All Applications are to be sent to ceo@continentalva.net with a CC to vceo@continentalva.net with a Portfolio of your previous work. ALL Applicants WILL receive an Interview! Dates/Times will be discussed at a later date with each applicant. Thanks, Regards,
  6. Dyl963

    Hi there

    Hello there! Welcome to the phpVMS Community! To install phpVMS, go to http://www.phpvms.net/downloads and download the full version. Upload the files to your website root (public_HTML) and follow the instructions given! If you have any more questions, feel free to email me at djcool1103@gmail.com Regards, Dylan
  7. Im not looking to create any modules. Just want to know of any Cool modules out there. I know you have this project on hold, but the LOA/Hub Transfer/Termination Module would be awesome! By all means, I do not want to make it sound like I want everything done for me, but is there a tutorial on how to make custom Modules?
  8. Hello, I am wondering if you guys prefer any cool addons. I know Vansers has alot as well as Simpilot group, but which ones do you guys like? Feedback would be appreciated!
  9. Search up "No Route Passed" There is alot of Topics on this issue and how to fix it
  10. I am Also part of this SpiritAirva, In fact, I was the COO/WM. At the moment, the CEO does Not know how to fix this.
  11. I Recommend switching to HostGator.
  12. Try adding what you want in a sidebar such as using this Code: Hope this helped
  13. I will gladly HELP you...but not make a completely custom one
  14. I Don't know if Jeff would do one for free. There are not alot of people that would do one for free. Dylan Lundberg
  15. I suggest Emailing Jeff, (the kACARS Guy) on getting a Custom ACARS System. Mine is in development, prices arent too bad, of course, I want the whole thing so Im paying about $115.00.
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