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Posts posted by Stealthbird97

  1. Right, I solved it myself after all!

    Here is what I did, and how I came to the solution: I noticed that the pilot brief page also worked with the route id, and this worked. The diference was that the link to the pilot brief page was coded like this:

    <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/brief/'.$route->id);?>">Pilot Brief</a><br />

    and the addbidd link was coded like this:

    <a id="<?php echo $route->id; ?>" class="addbid"

    href="<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/addbid');?>">Add to Bid</a>

    What happened was that on the 2nd piece of code the route-id wasn't passed, so obviosly I got the wellknown error message.

    So, what I did was change it to the following:

    <a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/addbid/'.$route->id);?>">Add to bid (new)</a><br />

    This neatly passed my route-id to the addbidd procedure, but that needs to be changed to "understand" the new input, so here it is:

    public function addbid($routeid = '')


    if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) return;

    /* $routeid = $this->get->id; */

    I simply added the $routeid="" to the header, which passes the route. Note how I commented out the red section: if you don't do this it will overwrite the routeid variable again.

    This works perfectly for me now! Got to do the same thing for removing a bidd - might post that later if anyone is interested.

    If anyone has reasons why this should not be done like this I'm happy to hear!

    Thank you very much. Fixed my problem. jQuery and bids now working!

  2. I have a sidebar section which is only visible when a pilot is logged in.

    I would also like this section show some user data. What code would I need to make it display the pilots name.

    I've already tried

    <?php echo $userinfo->firstname . ' ' . $userinfo->lastname; ?>!

    But this doesn't show anything.

    I would be much obliged if someone could tell me the code i need. :)


  3. Your site is very good.

    Just a few suggestions.

    The Drop downs that expand the whole menu length may not be such a good idea just becuase of the shear amount of mouse movement required to select something. It would probably be better to have it go to below the top level menu item.

    Also there is a small grammatical error on the side bar. It says "Aircrafts" where it should be simply "Aircraft"

    Other than that I hope you do well. :)

  4. I like your use of Boot Strap. Good Job on that.

    But needless to say, What Sava and Vansers have pointed out is correct and you are wrong.

    Your site is breaking the law. I would suggest taking down your forums before someone reports you for having propitiatory software to which you do not own a licence that gives you the right to use it.

    This doesn't look good for you or the real JAL, who may revoke your rights to use their trademarks if they see you performing such illegal activity under what is effectively their name.

    As well as that you would also be in breach of your Web Hosts (ZYMA.COM)ToS for hosting illegal content, which can lead to account termination.

    I hope you understand but you have now lost all credibility from me as an airline I thought was good.

  5. Now THAT would be a waste of time, since its exactly what va-list already does

    Many people make things that other people make. You never know. what i could have had made could have been better than VA-List.

    Well, I'm earning a living with programming, so maybe I can see possibilities you can't :lol:

    Well I did say without editing the system. If you are a programmer then you would be editing the system if you used it as a base.

    Actually after looking at it VA-List does have search functionality as well as the top list that is always displayed on the homepage albeit not as elaborate as you want to do, eg Schedules. But it does do Simulator, IT supports more than just phpVMS, Location by Country. This could be expanded quite easily. Shall I get in contact.

  6. No, It was a similar idea with the same ultimate goal. My idea was more of a Voting, Advertisement and Search thing,

    Neither would it have been based of the phpvms system, which for this kind of thing, would be a setback as it is not really suitable. In fact I can't see how you'd be able to do that without significant editing to the phpvms and a lot of modules.

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