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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Simpilot Thanks for your reply,My sincere apologies I should have mentioned that this is mostly my own doing I was trying to resize the monthly pireps chart which appears in the admin that's what threw the error. I have since replaced the dashboard.php file from a backup I had which did the trick and it works again. Since I didnt managage to delete this post before that we may as well take this to its logical conclusion so that it helps anyone else reading this , I'll mention what the action was that triggered the error I tried to adjust a function parameter that was being passed to the chart. Moral of the story: Consider the implications of actions thoroughly before attempting such changes (Which I do anyway)
  2. Hello I'm getting an Error while viewing the dashboard in the admin panel , would appreciate any help on this. Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Dashboard::index' was given in /MainController.class.php on line 218 Dee
  3. Thanks Simpilot yes exactly that was the very first time I saw that myself , has always worked like a charm from the first time I installed it . Will definitely let you know if that happens again . Thanks for the great script .
  4. Ok the problem seems to have resolved itself , I think it was after I accepted the Pending Pireps on the vms dashboard . I'll try and get a screenshot if it happens again.
  5. Hi All I've been using the excellent Top Pilot script without any issues, only today for the first time I am seeing Duplicate names on the list ( Each name Twice on a list of 10 pilots). This is the first time I've seen this happen , would appreciate any help on this. At the time of posting this it's still happening as may be seen at This Link
  6. Dee

    KAcars pauses

    Hi Jeffery Thanks for that quick reply , if its any help , another member did say that he has the "pause on task" unchecked but still got the pause showing in log , would minimising the FS window have any effect ? because He said had minimised the window when i asked him that .
  7. Dee

    KAcars pauses

    Hello some of our members have reported that the filed log shows fs paused and unpaused , sometimes many times even though the FS is'nt really paused by them , any help would be great and thanks in advance...sample case... 11:04] - PMDG 747-8i British Airways [11:04] - Flight Number AI0105 [11:04] - Departure VHHH [11:04] - Destination RJAA [11:04] - Simulator Paused [11:04] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:04] - Boarding [11:05] - Simulator Paused [11:05] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:06] - Taxiing to Runway [11:07] - Taking Off [11:07] - Taking Off [11:07] - 169kts [11:07] - pitch angle -8 degrees [11:07] - 231635 (lbs) of fuel onboard [11:08] - Climbing [11:16] - Simulator Paused [11:16] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:52] - Simulator Paused [11:56] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:56] - Simulator Paused [11:58] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:10] - Simulator Paused [12:10] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:21] - Simulator Paused [12:22] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:23] - Simulator Paused [12:23] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:48] - Simulator Paused [12:48] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:49] - Simulator Paused [12:50] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:08] - Overspeed [13:09] - Overspeed Corrected [13:09] - Simulator Paused [13:09] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:10] - Simulator Paused [13:10] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:19] - Simulator Paused [13:30] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:32] - Simulator Paused [13:32] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:32] - Simulator Paused [13:33] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:33] - Simulator Paused [13:34] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:36] - Simulator Paused [13:36] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:37] - Simulator Paused [13:37] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:37] - Simulator Paused [13:38] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:39] - Simulator Paused [13:39] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:39] - Simulator Paused [13:40] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:44] - Simulator Paused [13:44] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:45] - Simulator Paused [13:45] - Simulator Un-Paused [14:27] - Simulator Paused [14:27] - Simulator Un-Paused [14:35] - Landing Rate -547fpm [14:35] - 150612 (lbs) of fuel onboard [14:35] - pitch angle -9 degrees [14:37] - Simulator Paused [14:37] - Max Sim Rate: 1x [14:37] - kACARS_Free Version
  8. fantastico !!! am delighted ...just did a VHHH to VHHX , Acars neatly picked up the registration from Sked/DB for my LVL-D , Pirep Filed , quickly accepted All looking good , doing a much longer route now...will def let you know if anything comes up . Kudos Sir great work
  9. Many Thanks for the patient reply , and for the Software......Right..am just gonna go ahead and Try a Charter for a Non Sked , so I can advise our Pilots accordingly and scrap the FSAcars since this was our only major concern to allow fkights between any Cities
  10. I suppose I would have to look at the Charter Options , if we had a feature where a Pilot could Bid on a Charter that would make it great , Pilot Just adds a Bid via a FORM ...Flight number could be Pilot ID itself Then when Pilot clicks to get Bid , the Charter Details would get added just as he would have filed via the Manual form Possible ? as a wish feature or Not neccesary to go that way EDIT.... Ah you posted just as I was typing
  11. Dee


    Hi Joeri ..Yes am aware of KAcars and the FSAcars development status , thanks for your replies and Help ...have posted a question in the KAcars section on Off Sked Flights with KACARS
  12. Hello Apologies if this has been asked before , what would be the right way to allow pilots to fly Routes/Destinations which are not in the Schedule . So Far with FSAcars we would just put in any city pair and the Pilot ID as the Flight Number , on ending the flight the log would be accepted . where the City pairs or ICAO City was missing in the DB , most would get added auto or via a manual entry before the pirep manager accepted the Pirep . Would Like very much to have the option to fly off sked routes if at all possible with KAcars , thanks in advance
  13. Dee


    Wish it was supported , It was accepting Pireps quite nicely before the update .
  14. Hi Nabeel ..thanks yes acars map tpl syncd , thx for the heads up On a sidenote the FSAcars logs are now not being logged Correctly , they used to do so quite nicely...now being logged incomplete , only some details logged but the full block to block duration and end messages not logged , any deas ?
  15. Solved.... seems to be holding so far . checkdb was showing some errors about missing Tables , after running update.php imported the update sql directly , Map visible now .. can also import the Sked csv which was also throwing the field error after update
  16. Hello just upgraded to 2.1.934 , I cant see the Map anymore , Error Console shows the following 2 Errors Error: GIcon is not defined Source File: http://www.airindiavirtual.net/xxxxx ( Path to folder)/phpvms.js Line: 21 and Error: GBrowserIsCompatible is not defined Source File: http://www.airindiavirtual.net/xxxx/acarsmap.js Line: 31 Ran the reset acars via Admin panel and switched Templates to Default ones , same state ..no Map any Help would be great
  17. http://www.airindiavirtual.net/vms/index.php/pireps/view/589 Any idea why the airport layout doesnt show in the above log ? for taxi out/in and weather also doesnt seem to be rendered on the weather map image maybe since the trial version was used above ?
  18. What's your setting for: FSFK_IMAGE_PATH It should just be: Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/lib/fsfk'); // web path from SITE_ROOT yup that did the trick
  19. Here is a Link to one Pirep ( Images not seen problem) http://www.airindiavirtual.net/vms/index.php/pireps/view/589 edit
  20. Thanks
  21. Hi is it possible to load and make the vms functions from outside the phpVms root in any way ? like lets say ... <div> <h3>Newest Pilots</h3> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> </div> but from outside the root folder , is that possible with some includes or something like that ?
  22. Since its about FSFK but with FS9 I cant get the images to show up on the log page , Pirep gets logged and I can see the images in the "fsfsk" folder under lib/fsfk/ not lib/images/ FSFK is uploading images to lib/fsfk sample log http://www.airindiavirtual.net/vms/index.php/pireps/viewreport/579 any help would be great , Thanks
  23. Thanks
  24. No a couple were not , Thanks seems to have solved it is there a way for the airport to be added automatically to the DB if a Pirep is filed for a non sked Airport
  25. roger that...
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