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Everything posted by Dee
Simpilot Thanks for your reply,My sincere apologies I should have mentioned that this is mostly my own doing I was trying to resize the monthly pireps chart which appears in the admin that's what threw the error. I have since replaced the dashboard.php file from a backup I had which did the trick and it works again. Since I didnt managage to delete this post before that we may as well take this to its logical conclusion so that it helps anyone else reading this , I'll mention what the action was that triggered the error I tried to adjust a function parameter that was being passed to the chart. Moral of the story: Consider the implications of actions thoroughly before attempting such changes (Which I do anyway)
Hello I'm getting an Error while viewing the dashboard in the admin panel , would appreciate any help on this. Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Dashboard::index' was given in /MainController.class.php on line 218 Dee
Thanks Simpilot yes exactly that was the very first time I saw that myself , has always worked like a charm from the first time I installed it . Will definitely let you know if that happens again . Thanks for the great script .
Ok the problem seems to have resolved itself , I think it was after I accepted the Pending Pireps on the vms dashboard . I'll try and get a screenshot if it happens again.
Hi All I've been using the excellent Top Pilot script without any issues, only today for the first time I am seeing Duplicate names on the list ( Each name Twice on a list of 10 pilots). This is the first time I've seen this happen , would appreciate any help on this. At the time of posting this it's still happening as may be seen at This Link
Hi Jeffery Thanks for that quick reply , if its any help , another member did say that he has the "pause on task" unchecked but still got the pause showing in log , would minimising the FS window have any effect ? because He said had minimised the window when i asked him that .
Hello some of our members have reported that the filed log shows fs paused and unpaused , sometimes many times even though the FS is'nt really paused by them , any help would be great and thanks in advance...sample case... 11:04] - PMDG 747-8i British Airways [11:04] - Flight Number AI0105 [11:04] - Departure VHHH [11:04] - Destination RJAA [11:04] - Simulator Paused [11:04] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:04] - Boarding [11:05] - Simulator Paused [11:05] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:06] - Taxiing to Runway [11:07] - Taking Off [11:07] - Taking Off [11:07] - 169kts [11:07] - pitch angle -8 degrees [11:07] - 231635 (lbs) of fuel onboard [11:08] - Climbing [11:16] - Simulator Paused [11:16] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:52] - Simulator Paused [11:56] - Simulator Un-Paused [11:56] - Simulator Paused [11:58] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:10] - Simulator Paused [12:10] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:21] - Simulator Paused [12:22] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:23] - Simulator Paused [12:23] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:48] - Simulator Paused [12:48] - Simulator Un-Paused [12:49] - Simulator Paused [12:50] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:08] - Overspeed [13:09] - Overspeed Corrected [13:09] - Simulator Paused [13:09] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:10] - Simulator Paused [13:10] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:19] - Simulator Paused [13:30] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:32] - Simulator Paused [13:32] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:32] - Simulator Paused [13:33] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:33] - Simulator Paused [13:34] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:36] - Simulator Paused [13:36] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:37] - Simulator Paused [13:37] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:37] - Simulator Paused [13:38] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:39] - Simulator Paused [13:39] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:39] - Simulator Paused [13:40] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:44] - Simulator Paused [13:44] - Simulator Un-Paused [13:45] - Simulator Paused [13:45] - Simulator Un-Paused [14:27] - Simulator Paused [14:27] - Simulator Un-Paused [14:35] - Landing Rate -547fpm [14:35] - 150612 (lbs) of fuel onboard [14:35] - pitch angle -9 degrees [14:37] - Simulator Paused [14:37] - Max Sim Rate: 1x [14:37] - kACARS_Free Version
fantastico !!! am delighted ...just did a VHHH to VHHX , Acars neatly picked up the registration from Sked/DB for my LVL-D , Pirep Filed , quickly accepted All looking good , doing a much longer route now...will def let you know if anything comes up . Kudos Sir great work
Many Thanks for the patient reply , and for the Software......Right..am just gonna go ahead and Try a Charter for a Non Sked , so I can advise our Pilots accordingly and scrap the FSAcars since this was our only major concern to allow fkights between any Cities
I suppose I would have to look at the Charter Options , if we had a feature where a Pilot could Bid on a Charter that would make it great , Pilot Just adds a Bid via a FORM ...Flight number could be Pilot ID itself Then when Pilot clicks to get Bid , the Charter Details would get added just as he would have filed via the Manual form Possible ? as a wish feature or Not neccesary to go that way EDIT.... Ah you posted just as I was typing
Hi Joeri ..Yes am aware of KAcars and the FSAcars development status , thanks for your replies and Help ...have posted a question in the KAcars section on Off Sked Flights with KACARS
Hello Apologies if this has been asked before , what would be the right way to allow pilots to fly Routes/Destinations which are not in the Schedule . So Far with FSAcars we would just put in any city pair and the Pilot ID as the Flight Number , on ending the flight the log would be accepted . where the City pairs or ICAO City was missing in the DB , most would get added auto or via a manual entry before the pirep manager accepted the Pirep . Would Like very much to have the option to fly off sked routes if at all possible with KAcars , thanks in advance
Wish it was supported , It was accepting Pireps quite nicely before the update .
Hi Nabeel ..thanks yes acars map tpl syncd , thx for the heads up On a sidenote the FSAcars logs are now not being logged Correctly , they used to do so quite nicely...now being logged incomplete , only some details logged but the full block to block duration and end messages not logged , any deas ?
Solved.... seems to be holding so far . checkdb was showing some errors about missing Tables , after running update.php imported the update sql directly , Map visible now .. can also import the Sked csv which was also throwing the field error after update
Hello just upgraded to 2.1.934 , I cant see the Map anymore , Error Console shows the following 2 Errors Error: GIcon is not defined Source File: http://www.airindiavirtual.net/xxxxx ( Path to folder)/phpvms.js Line: 21 and Error: GBrowserIsCompatible is not defined Source File: http://www.airindiavirtual.net/xxxx/acarsmap.js Line: 31 Ran the reset acars via Admin panel and switched Templates to Default ones , same state ..no Map any Help would be great
http://www.airindiavirtual.net/vms/index.php/pireps/view/589 Any idea why the airport layout doesnt show in the above log ? for taxi out/in and weather also doesnt seem to be rendered on the weather map image maybe since the trial version was used above ?
What's your setting for: FSFK_IMAGE_PATH It should just be: Config::Set('FSFK_IMAGE_PATH', '/lib/fsfk'); // web path from SITE_ROOT yup that did the trick
Here is a Link to one Pirep ( Images not seen problem) http://www.airindiavirtual.net/vms/index.php/pireps/view/589 edit
Hi is it possible to load and make the vms functions from outside the phpVms root in any way ? like lets say ... <div> <h3>Newest Pilots</h3> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> </div> but from outside the root folder , is that possible with some includes or something like that ?
Since its about FSFK but with FS9 I cant get the images to show up on the log page , Pirep gets logged and I can see the images in the "fsfsk" folder under lib/fsfk/ not lib/images/ FSFK is uploading images to lib/fsfk sample log http://www.airindiavirtual.net/vms/index.php/pireps/viewreport/579 any help would be great , Thanks
No a couple were not , Thanks seems to have solved it is there a way for the airport to be added automatically to the DB if a Pirep is filed for a non sked Airport
roger that...