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  1. Looks nice, Jeff! Keep up the great work!
  2. Very Nice, looking forward to this new addition! Thanks Jeff
  3. I like the idea of networking, I appreciate your comment. However, I feel like networking can expand and spread the word. I am sure many may feel different and we certainly respect your opinion.
  4. Thanks for your feedback, however regardless where you walk in life, you will need money
  5. Atlantic International Virtual Airlines (AIV) launch a new Marketing Ad on Facebook. As social media continues to grow, we have to find ways to attract new members, said Robert Sayles, Chief Executive Officer at AIV. Facebook and Twitter is a growing outlet and AIV will continue to invest on those social media markets and be visible to the community. Our Latest theme "Where dreams can come true", is a saying where your dreams really can come true at our Virtual Airline, said Michael DuPont, Chief Operations Officer. Its very possible to start off as a virtual pilot at Atlantic International Virtual than pursue your dream as a Real world pilot on day. Atlantic International Virtual Airlines has created a environment where our virtual pilots can experience, learn and have fun conducting basic and advanced piloting skills using a flight simulator software. For more information about Atlantic International Virtual Airlines and where your dreams can come true, please visit our website at www.atlintlvirtual.org.
  6. Atlantic International Virtual Airlines announces plan to convert to a legacy virtual airline during 2013. A letter to its members from the Chief Executive Officer, indicated due to a steady declining of the flight simulation/virtual airlines community, it would make sense to compete with other legacy virtual airlines. We will start discussing among our staff and members, said Michael DuPont, Chief Operations Officer. Once a decision is made on which airline that we will select and get official legal permission, we will start the development thereafter. Please continue to monitor our latest development by visiting our website at http://www.atlintlvirtual.org.
  7. Hi Sava, Great Modules....Have you ever thought of creating a Pilot HR Portal? You already have LOA and Hub Transfer....you just need to add Resignation option as well. But you can call it Pilot HR with all HR admin issues, like leave of absence, hub transfer and resignation. Just idea....keep up the great work.
  8. Just getting home from a long weekend working. Now, it's time to relax for a nice week off :-) Hopefully the weather be nice in Chicago :-)

  9. Today Atlantic International Virtual Airlines announces its 1st Annual Virtual Community Conference. We have been working on this for a while, said Robert Sayles, Chief Executive Officer. The entire community is invited along with our members. The conference will be virtually via our Teamspeak Server on Sunday, August 26, 2012 from 10:00am-6:00pm (CST). We have a full day of activities for our participants from a roundtable discussion to a group online flight. We also will be giving out prizes throughout the day such as gift certificates from flightsim.com Pilot Shop. We are making every effort to engage with the community on creating events such as our yearly conference, said Alex Mancebo, Vice President of Corporate Operations. We are hoping for a big outcome to come and have lots fun at the conference, that’s the most important goal, said Nathan Cox, Vice President of Airline Operations. To register and find more information about AIV’s 1st Annual Virtual Community, please click HERE
  10. Hi, I am looking for someone to help me create a route map for my Virtual Airline. If interested, please email me at rtsayles@atlintlvirtual.net. Thanks
  11. Atlantic International Virtual Airline (AIV) is now hiring staff members for varies of staff position within the Virtual Airlines. Recently AIV upgraded their site to AIV3.0, their latest web development with the state of art technology. AIV has branched out their airline operations which caused AIV to hire new staff members to help operate the airline. We are really focusing on our Domicile "Hub" Operations hiring, which it includes Hub Managers and Chief Pilots to work the front line and assist our pilots, said Nathan Cox, Vice President of Domicile Operations. Please visit our Human Resource Career Page for the latest position posting by clicking HERE. For more information regarding Atlantic International Virtual Airlines, please visit our recently re-brand airline at http://atlintlvirtual.org/ or email us workhere@altintlvirtual.net.
  12. Gabriela Tusell and I booked our Annual Cruise to the Bahamas -April 6 to 9 on NCL Sky :)

  13. Back at my second home, doing some house chores and getting ready for the remaining of the week. Had a great time traveling around last week, it was a nice break from the office :) The next big trip will be my annual birthday cruise in Hawaii :) "Bon Voyage" my friends :-)

  14. Ughhh, it's so muggy here from VA :-(

  15. Off to Judge the Talent Show at Virginia HOSA, this should be fun :=)

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