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  1. Yes it shows a list with all pilots, along with some of their information, not all though ^^ But information like: Pilot ID, Pilot Name, Pilot Mail, Last Flight As in my VA the hub manager gotta make sure his pilots are flying.:- )
  2. I've made a application or a few for my airline.. 3 clients: Hub Manager Admin Human Resource Hub Manager - Can see all his pilots in a list, then if anyone requests a hub transfer he will send it into a pending mode. Admin - The admin will quick-review the request, and choose if it should be send to the final step or not. Human Resource - Will be able to accept or delince a request, and his choice is the final. When the human resource has accepted or delinced the request, a mail will be sent to hub manager and to the pilot. Both admin and hub manager can open a window and see all delinced and accepted transfers!
  3. That is some !@# up s***! How the heck can they manage to gather members! :- ) - Emil
  4. Hello Jesper, Do you also offer designing phpvms?(making a skin) - Emil
  5. Hello guys, does any of you know how to make that you can change a pilots rank via the Admin Panel? And make so it wont upgrade automaticly
  6. Exactly!
  7. Helllo, When I am on the admin list with pilots and want to sort them with the "Status" I do click it and every pilot disappears, but when I do click any of the other ones, they appear again! - EMil
  8. Hello guys, I know that you can activate the function to send out a warning to your pilots if they havent flown in XX days. Is there anyway that I can make it set them into a "Inactive Pilot" group and/or send me a mail with the pilots ID as it sends out a mail to the pilot? Cheers, Emil
  9. Looking good, when is ETA SDK release?
  10. British Airways, Etihad, Emirates, KLM and Aeroflot
  11. Hello, is there anyway to edit the code in the admin panels pilot roster so I can see on the main page when the pilot has last flown a flight, without should pressing "Edit" for seeing such? As it would do the work easier for some of us - Emil
  12. There's already a existing Scandinavian VA, not for stopping you doing it, but just that you know ^^
  13. Alright Stuart, I did add you on messenger, if you get on fast I got something about you website you should edit ^^ - Emil
  14. The site looks sweet! I might be interested in the Training Officer Could you tell me the fleet of the airline? I have good knowledge with the A32X, B737NG series, B757/767 and B744. - Emil
  15. I would say the Aerosoft one, just get AES and you will never leave Heathrow again
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