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Everything posted by steve

  1. Thanks for looking, apologies for the slow response, hate it when real responsibilities get in the way of my hobbies. Anyway, I am using the latest version of the download, sourced from the downloads section of the PHPVMS website. Just to be sure I re-downloaded a fresh copy and reinstalled the package, same results. I guesssome of the issues may be related to the php version, i am using 5.4.20? Could it be the MySQL version? Thanks for any and all help given. Steven
  2. hi Simpilot, sorry the url you are looking at is most likely to my old site. I am currently using www.net-flyer.net Thanks for taking the time to try and look at my issue. Steven
  3. Hi, Can you explain how you got the table working again.... it is driving me mad. I have searched and tried various solutions without success Steven
  4. Having the same issue with my site, also includes schedules in the admin panel. Can see schedules on the main site
  5. hi all, I am having the same issue, 420 flights loaded into schedules, but I can not view them in the admin panel. They show up in schedule search etc. screenshot attached .
  6. Thank you, that worked.
  7. Hi Dave, Any idea what I am doing wrong to get this error? I guess I need to get rid of the extra "/" somehow... Notice: The template file ".../public_html/net-flyer//admin/templates/plugins/header.tpl" doesn't exist in .../public_html/net-flyer/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Thank you for any assistance you can give me.
  8. Thank you very much for sharing . I will let you know how I get on. regards, Steven
  9. Thanks, I have used another of your posts for the code in fleet_table.tpl and I am sorting the data in fleet.php using GROUP BY a.name, a.registration'; which sorts the aircraft by type then registration which means I have 50 or so aircraft in my available group as one big long list, what I can not work out is how to get the table to group them into groups based on type, so you can see instantly these are 737-800's, these are B767's etc. cheers, Steven
  10. UKMIL, would you mind sharing how you grouped by type? Thanks Steve
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