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Everything posted by VirtualIntegraAir

  1. All good advice Edmund, thanks. In response to that I paid 106.20 US, I've been using it since March 16 of 2012 and the name on the account can be changed. Any offers please either PM or email me integratheo [ a t ] gmail.com Thanks, Theo
  2. Hi everyone, after a few months after starting i have not found the time to tend to my VA, as a result i no longer need my hosting. unfortunately (because i got a discount) i signed up for three years of hosting. Would like to sell it...the hosting is through ipage and i have never had any problems with them, great support and customer service. Shoot me a price!! Thanks, Theo
  3. Nabeel, just to let you know i did get an weekly status update, even though i did not get a confirmation email yet. that was on saturday
  4. I'm not getting anything
  5. i pmed you the one i want to keep as my user disregard
  6. pmed you the one i want to keep
  7. Hi, Nabeel just was wondering if you could approve my vaCentral registration, don't know why but both the forum and vaCentral don't want to send me emails (I turned off spam and added to my white list)
  8. thanks everybody topic is solved, would put that is the title but i cant figure out how to do that
  9. ok i got a new module uploaded and it's still giving me the same error, if you wouldn't mind trying to log in with my info i could pm you it otherwise should i try to reinstall phpvms, or is there any thing else i could do
  10. you'll have to forgive me but what do you mean by module and application?
  11. the main url is virtualintegraair.ca and the base phpvms install is /phpvms
  12. still nothing, if i gave you some login info would you mind taking a look?
  13. also was trying to get FSACARS working but I couldn't get do anything before it gave me errors about flight sim crashed and is plane at departure airport?
  14. Hello everybody, I'm having some problems with all kACARS, now I don't know if there's something wrong with my computer, or if it's my website but when I try to log log a flight it gives me this error http://imgur.(VA)com/o2GoU (remove the VA) any help on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated PS. I'm a new VA owner and all I did was install phpvms and change the skin, I didn't change anything else. Thanks, Theo Weigel Virtual Integra Air-CEO
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