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  1. Tsako

    Block Login

    Not working on my site. Inactive/Retired pilots can login as normal. Anyway...
  2. Tsako

    Block Login

    There is nothing about in all login_*.tpl files.
  3. Tsako

    Block Login

    It is? Anyone know how to enable this option?
  4. Hello all again. I have another question. Is there any way to block login for retired/inactive pilots and show up a message? For example: I have changed a pilot status to retired because he is inactive for a long time. Then, if he try to login again, a message will say: You are inactive for a long time and your account needs re-activation from Staff. Contact us by clicking here... bla bla bla"
  5. thanks
  6. Hello everyone. Is there any way to hide a hub from roster? * Sorry for the wrong topic title. The correct is: "Hide a hub"
  7. Thank you very much George and sorry for the mistake.
  8. Hello all. Is there a way to hide someone from Pilot Roster without delete his account?
  9. This is exactly what I was looking for! Great parkho!!! * If it's possible, admins can add multiple messages, not only one. Example: Message 1) Appears at 10 hours. Message 2) Appears at 50 hours etc.
  10. Hello and thanks for the reply. In Pilot Center only it's ok.
  11. Hello everyone. I 'm looking for a module to display with a pop up (or any other way) a note to a pilot when he reaches X hours or X flights. Example: 1) When a pilot reaches 50 hours an exclamation mark appears in pilot center. 2) The pilot can click the exclamation mark and then a message appears (pop up or redirect to a specific page). It can be say: "Hello Captain. Now you are an experienced pilot and maybe it's time to use an exam. Click here to see the available exams." * The message need to be active until he click the exclamation mark. * I want to use this for several messages, not only one. * Admins can add messages and must have an option to display it to pilots when they reach X hours or X flights. If someone can build this module I can pay for it. Thank you in advance.
  12. Tsako


    The GitHub link is broken. Can you upload this module somewhere else?
  13. Hello all again. Is the any way to re-arrange the exams in the exam list? Now, the newest exam, goes at the end. Example * Now it's: Exam 1 Exam 7 Exam 3 * I want: Exam 1 Exam 3 Exam 7 Thanks
  14. Thanks a lot.
  15. There is no signature. Where can I find the download link?
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