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  1. Hi, i will be habby to signup Majesticairva.com for this alliance. I will perhalps by Christmas next year be working off a custom built website with systems than VMS, though this will hopefully boost the airline attraction for now.
  2. No error, when i select send to all, it shows me a big list of all my pilots with completed i think it is beside their name.
  3. Servage.net
  4. I have attempted to submit an email to all members of my airline though the system has failed to work. I now have 116 members obviously too much to do manually. I am wanting to send a news update on the airline but so far it is proving to be impossible. I have tested it out by asking some fellow members of my airline if they have recived the message though they never. Any suggestions? ???
  5. This has been leased for almost a month now, though we are thinking of changing plans to a website from scratch using our own systems. If this skin we created is a good hit with viewers then we will concider keeping it. Thanks! www.majesticairva.com
  6. Nabeel, i don't understand how you could create a load of virtual airlines all looking the same, how boaring, including a massive phpvms logo at the top:s , iv fallen for this though i have quite using phpvms, though it is a free product, i am not wanting my va to look cheep. I recommend to you that you take away the main site index so tht, example... http://www.virtualairline.co.uk/php/members/login.php, would be on its own and the background gradient.I hope you learn from this as im sure many other product users are experiancing the same doubts!
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