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  1. hello, my expenses have been stop to be counted for dec and january -. november and february are fine . how can that happen. ? it says for each month expenses missing: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/FilerWeb07/france-meteor-va.fr/httpdocs/admin/templates/finance_balancesheet.tpl on line 55 could you help me to resolve this problem ? thank s a lot jean jacques
  2. hi kyle, i have a problem with your add on if you look at this adress: http://www.france-meteor-va.fr/index.php/vFleetTracker/ you ll see the module is out of the box. i tried a lot of solution, nothing works. and it only happen with this module. please help!!! thank's jean jacques
  3. HI i wanted 3 criterias: correct schedule flight number like :FMT256P correct tail number of the aircraft programmed like 777jJJ time above 15mm at least any idea ?
  4. HI i wanted 3 criterias: correct schedule flight number like :FMT256P correct tail number of the aircraft programmed like 777jJJ time above 15mm at least any idea ?
  5. hi, is there anyway to accept or reject automaticaly pireps ? like if something is missing it is rejected ? thank you all jean jacques
  6. hello, how to add a aircraft listing please. i find nothing about this in the forum. i already add my airport because i found a list, but for the aircrafts ? thank you all
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