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    Salerno Italy

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  1. The setting page accept save changes ??
  2. Hi Nabeel, this is our logo. Thanks http://www.vvair.it
  3. Hi Nabeel, i've installed the beta version (807) . The setting page don't still save change Please can you debug it ? Thanks
  4. vvair


    Thanks a lot guys!
  5. Ok Thanks Nabeel. When did yuo think to release a new version?
  6. vvair


    Hi all, i present you Volovirtuale Virtual Airline . It's still under construction.. Do you like it ?
  7. Nabeel, sorry for question : this bug is fixed? If yes when can we download it ?
  8. Nabeel , thanks for you answer. I translated with any problem For first two bug : is it possible the error was generate becouse MySql don't contain INNODB ? In requirements i can read : MySQL 4.1+ with InnoDB.
  9. Yes, i can edit only via phpmyadmin. It's not a big problem but i've it!
  10. You have a PM!
  11. None oh them save This is also only table into db i can't appy change. Which setting you want to know ?
  12. Nothing to do!!! : I can't apply changes...but no problem i change it manually. Thanks
  13. Ok...i can try.
  14. I've installed automatically with /install/install.php . So now i've resolved by insert settings data manually into db (settings table).
  15. I Nabeel , the version is the latest avalaible on server : 1.2.700 The settings remain same also after F5/CTRL-F5 hits
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