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Everything posted by iva
hi , thanks for using this module. this error is already reports and solved in this topic.its not a big problem ,you just miss some codes or you added theme in the wrong place. please read the issues that other users report here. you will fix this and also tou will get much info about this module. by the way the manual is completely explain everything. please follow the instructions step by step. best regards
ur welcome sir
hi , sorry for delay responding your reply! thanks, it's kind of you. to do so... if you want to change the background or any graphic! you don't need to change the .tpl file. just make your own image in any size you want and replace it with the name of current graphic item. just keep its own name as it is! just in one case you need to edit .tpl file! just if you want to changethe address of the graphics on your local host server. hope it works
your welcome
hi, dont worry about it! it's OK. actually at the first ,when u creat an account as CEO for your VA, your ID is 0001. bytheway, there's no matter with the PILOT ID! it can be any thing! but if you creat an charter flight with a Pilot ID , the ID should NOT be change! just it
ok, you did it right as i said before, so what do you mean : Still requesting the default numbers the system 10001-12000 !? you mean you get ERROR when you add a charter with for example with the number 9001 ?? or you refer to the tip in add schedule form .tpl ? there is the tip (help note) in the .tpl of add schedule form you should change it manually
hi, we have 2 of these checkers in our module file, one for ADD SCHEDULE (line 820) the other for EDIT SCHEDULE (line 967) ... i think you changed the checker for EDIT SCHEDULE and not for ADD SCHEDULE function! please check this and let me know if the problem solved
thx, actually yes! i've done this in my va. but it's really treaky...i mixed PILOT SHOP module and CHARTER module to make it happen I'm going to make it more simple... I'll publish the new version of this module...as soon as i can I don't know wy you get this error, i think you have a filter for your bids to check the route...i don't have any idea, mybe you should search other topics so sorry i couldn't help body
hi, its the background image, and i think u should replace it with your own website background or change it to a colour or delete it , it's on your own
hi fernando, I don't get what u going to say but it might works : this module just add a new airline to your DB and the pilots will add their own charter flights in the new airline named "charter flight" (code: CH), just it! your current airline with its own flights will never being crashed or removed or any thing its an additional option for the pilots, it can be a goal for them! trust me
hi,thanks, you'r right, but i think it's not nessecery when we limit their ability to add charters (limit of 30 charters only!). they can easily edit their charter flight and change all the fields ,but flightnum best reagrds - R.Farzam
hello every one, I am using this module, it's useful but some bugy! as you know there is a bug with NOTAM ! Finally I got the solution. but first of all , the bug seems to appear when some pilot change his/her AIRMAIL setting to GET the notification EMAIL! so when you send a NOTAM to ALL PILOTS , the script starts to send the NOTAM via AIRMAIL , one by one , to ALL PILOTS...BUT the script ends when the NOTAM wants to be send to a pilot who selected YES to recive the notification E-Mail! just it! so to just ignore this (NOT TO SOLVE THE PROB!) you can remove the script that send the notification Email , just for the NOTAM , and not for regular Airmail. to do so , remove the red code below from your MAIL.php file (in line 124) : if($who_to == 'all') { $notam = 0; $pilots=(PilotData::findPilots(array('p.retired' => '0'))); foreach ($pilots as $pilot) { $notam = $notam+1; MailData::send_new_mail($pilot->pilotid, $who_from, $subject, $message, $notam, $thread_id); if(MailData::send_email($pilot->pilotid) === TRUE) { $email = $pilot->email; $sub = 'You have reveived a new message at '.SITE_NAME; $message = 'You received a new message with the subject ('.$subject.') in your pilot\'s message inbox on '.date('m/d/Y', time()); Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message); } } } I say again, we just can ignore the NOTIFICATION EMAIL feature with this solution... so I ask from the publisher of this module to present a new code to have also the NOTIFICATION EMAIL feature , thanks.
hi, please check the code below /** * Get the total number of schedules based on criterea for charters * * @param array $params key => value list * @return int Returns the total number * */ public static function CountCharterSchedules($icao, $price) { //Count schedules $query = "SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules WHERE price = '".$price."' AND code = '".$icao."'"; $results = DB::get_results($query); return DB::num_rows($results); } you should add the code to your SchedulesData.class.php ! maybe there is something wrong with your database or you did NOT do it correct! please try again. if you got this error again, send your SchedulesData.class.php file for me ,so i will do it for you here is my email : datmir@yahoo.com
I did it and it works perfect for me, no bug , no nothing but it is realy hard to install! so it takes some time to translate and make it real simple to install for other webmasters but i take some shots for you...enjoy...and wait for the module PLEASE
hi, u should do it like this : <?php foreach($allaircraft as $aircraft) { if($aircraft->enabled == "1") { if($aircraft->registration == $schedule->registration) { $sel = 'selected'; } else { $sel = ''; } echo '<option value="'.$aircraft->id.'" '.$sel.'>'.$aircraft->fullname.'</option>'; } } ?>
hello all, just for additional info...I'm working on supplementary module for CHARTER FLIGHT SYSTEM ,so the pilots must buy the aircraft to fly as charter so I just need your idea about this!?
Hello Micheal, as you said befor : The problem is that you didn't creat the specific airline named "Charter Flight" with code "CH" , as PARKHO said... The problem can NOT be any thing else...please check the CODE of your CHARTER airline , it must be only CH
my bad! sorry. any other problem??
ok, this module working perfect for me in my va. so, I copied all my files from my va and made the module from the first step please get the module from the first reply in this topic agian. i think the module will work perfect now, I HOPE So it seems that we have just one simillar prob and that is HOW TO HIDE THE CH AIRLINE... IF any body had problem with this step ,please send me all the TPL files you want to hide CH in them...I'LL FIX THEM for you here is my email : datmir@yahoo.com by the way be advise that sth simillar to this module have a price for 40$ us just kiding but it's real
did you edit the tpl files? if so, please send them and i'll check them for you. thanks my email : datmir@yahoo.com
do you add the Charter Flight as an airline with exact "CH" code from your admin panel? if so, it can not be cuse any problem! because I have 17 airlines in my va and i already use this code to hide 17 airlines in my REGISTRATION FORM please check the code for Charter airline. it have to be "CH" with no space or any character.. ok, thanks, i'll do it
in CHARTER MODULE at line 798 , $this->post->code == '' || $this->post->flightnum == '' || $this->post->deptime == '' || $this->post->arrtime == '' || $this->post->depicao == '' || $this->post->arricao == '' || $this->post->price == '' here you can add or remove your RIQUIRED FIELDS! for example if you want to remove Departure Time from your Riquired Fields, you have to remove $this->post->deptime == '' || from the code, and save the changes! try this and find the field that has the problem! but be advise that we use the $price field to keep the $pilotid info for each schedule! so do NOT remove $this->post->price == ''
ok I'm so sorry, I forgot } at the end of the code to close FOREACH function !! here is the correct code : <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { If($airline->code == “CHâ€) { Continue; } else { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - '.$airline->name.'</option>'; } } ?>
ur welcome
note# you can limit the aircrafts for your charter flights! just need to change the code for AIRCRAFT SELECTION FIELD (DROPDOWN) in your ops_editscheduleform.tpl and ops_scheduleform.tpl from <?php foreach($allaircraft as $aircraft) { if($aircraft->registration == $schedule->registration) $sel = 'selected'; else $sel = ''; echo '<option value="'.$aircraft->id.'" '.$sel.'>'.$aircraft->name.' ('.$aircraft->registration.')</option>'; } ?> to this : <?php foreach($allaircraft as $aircraft) { if($aircraft->icao == "Your FIRST aircraft ICAO code you dont want to show, goes here!" || $aircraft->icao == "Your SECOND aircraft ICAO code you dont want to show, goes here!" || $aircraft->icao == "and more...!" ) { continue; } else { if($aircraft->registration == $schedule->registration) $sel = 'selected'; else $sel = ''; echo '<option value="'.$aircraft->id.'" '.$sel.'>'.$aircraft->fullname.'</option>'; } } ?> also when you use $aircraft->fullname it's show the Full Name of your aircrafts! you can do more simillar codings!