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  1. Same, please
  2. LOL yeah i know right haha up all night, this is the latest beta that a client has been having this issue were it creates all the tables, but at the end were he has to type info in it makes the user but doesnt give him permissions
  3. Something is going wrong here... And i dont know what but something is not writing to the DB as i dont get admin access... I am able to install anything on my server so if its something server wise let me know. Thanks for any help!
  4. Thanks ive gone into the server side and installed the php module. Works now thanks to Lorathon and Nabeel
  5. After i went to my own VPS server with cpanel/whm etc... i keep getting the connection error, can someone help...
  6. Within the next few days MyVADesigns will be releasing another free public skin available to the phpVMS community! Be sure to keep checking http://www.myvadesig...t/downloads.php for when its available we will also make a post covering what is in the skin.
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