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Everything posted by Eric76173

  1. That fixed the Admin issue, when I added the link to the site I got an error again
  2. I am using the latest phpvms, from the phpvms website
  3. Hi, I followed the instructions in the readme.txt, when I go to the admin panel and click on Hubs under Addons this comes up... I tried putting the hub_index.tpl into the /public_html/core/classes/ folder but it made no difference.
  4. Thanks for that,it works nicely
  5. Hi, I tried using that code it did work for most of the errors but I still get some errors like this one... Strict Standards: Accessing static property Schedules::$post as non static in /public_html/core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php on line 28 anyone know how to fix that? I also get this error error in the admin panel... Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: <br /> If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
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