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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Firefox should work, are you downloading it from the firefox website? It shouldn't be full of viruses either, nothing is flagged up when i donwload it. And Nabeel's tut is easy to go by, maybe your making some mistakes along the line?
  2. Yup, i agree that it is difficult to first work around skinning the system, but the tutorial posted in the tutorials section of the site by Nabeel will more than suffice in telling you how to make a simple skin for the VMS system. It's just needing to understand the basics, i'm sure your webmaster could do that...If i can, then anyone could I hope you sort out a skin soon, best of luck!
  3. http://europeangateway.info Been using phpVMS for about 3 months now, and we are regularly upgrading the site and adding more features so keep an eye out 8) Also, watch out for some cheeky software releases by our dev team
  4. 1) I'd have posted this in the skinning forum 2) Take a look at http://fstools.co.uk they are able to skin, create liveries ect 8)
  5. Ben


    Ah brilliant! Good luck with the VA 8)
  6. Ben


    Hey man, Take a look at http://www.fstools.co.uk You may have seen him around on the forums, but that's Tom's new site. He can create you a skin, forum integration / skinning ect. He'd be a good guy to speak to. If you want his email, PM me and il be happy to help
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