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Everything posted by PilotJordan

  1. Good evening all, I'm considering starting up a VA. At this point I have a couple ideas in mind, but I am reaching out to this forum to see if there is any like minded people who are also willing to parter up and start a VA. Please feel free to message me! Thank you.
  2. President wrote a letter to AirTran Airways Virtual's members and the virtual airline community yesterday evening: AirTran Airways Virtual would like to extend a special thank you to the phpVMS community for all of their help and support. This operation would not have been successful without you. Furthermore, most virtual airlines would not be able to successfully operate without the phpVMS system.
  3. Orlando, FL - January 6, 2013 AirTran Airways Virtual - Official News Release Contact: j (dot) delaney (at) airtranva.org AirTran Airways Virtual's President, Jordan Delaney, announced today that the virtual airline will begin accepting application to fill two executive positions within the airline. AirTran Airways Virtual currently is seeking qualified individuals to fill the positions of Vice President of Flight Operations and Vice President of Technology. Effective January 13, 2013, Brian Newman will be retiring. Brian has committed nearly a year of service to the virtual airline and personal time constraints have forced him to announce his retirement. Resumes can be e-mailed to j.delaney@airtranva.org. Please do not send your resume if you are not at least 18 years of age and have had at least one year of management experience. If you are applying for the position of Vice President of Technology, please do not send your resume unless you have work or educational experience in the field of technology. AirTran Airways Virtual was founded in May of 2012 by two flight simulator enthusiasts: Jordan Delaney and Brian Newman. The two enthusiasts, both being fans of AirTran Airways and the Boeing 717-200 aircraft, decided to establish the first (non-freewebs) independently owned virtual airline to simulate the "real-world" operations of AirTran Airways. In June of 2012, a huge step forward was made in the development of AirTran Airways Virtual. A domain was established, software to manage the airline was chosen, and website development began. In August of 2012, the virtual airline launched all flight operations. AirTran Airways Virtual prides itself on being one of the innovative virtual airlines in the virtual airline industry.
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  4. Definitely is not supposed to be there. I'll have to take a look at the format, it is supposed to be up in that banner area but not so unorganized.
  5. Hmm. Jordan nor I were familiar with this. But I noticed they're missing the 1234.info link.
  6. The images are a bit large for the page, I can't do photoshop lol. So I'm waiting on Jordan for that, he says he is going to cut out the picture of the airplane and paste it onto a smaller background canvas so it will fit without being smushed on the page.
  7. Thank you for the feedback. We will try to get some more realistic looking airplane shots that fit the page a bit better.
  8. Thank you - and I'm not exactly sure what you mean about the skin. As far as I know, this is the only skin operating with phpVMS, and it has been fully customized to suite the needs of ATVA. As far as the 1234.info link, that is their website, I didn't design it nor do I control it. But I did change the link so it now opens in a new tab. Thanks for the feedback:)
  9. Orlando, FL - July 18, 2012 AirTran Airways Virtual - Official News Release Contact: brian (dot) newman (at) airtranva.org AirTran Airways Virtual announced the launch of all flight operations on the date of August 10, 2012, at 1000Z. AirTran Airways Virtual is now a fully functional virtual airline, and is seeking virtual airline pilots to fill first officer positions for AirTran Airways Virtual's Boeing 737-700s and Boeing 717-200s. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit airtranva.org for more information. AirTran Airways virtual was founded in May of 2012 by two flight simulator enthusiasts. The virtual airline officially launched all operations on August 10, 2012 at 1000Z. The virtual airline features a full PIREP and ACARS system, in addition to a professional and realistic website. The virtual airline also features a fully accurate flight schedule as of August of 2012. AirTran Airways Virtual prides itself on being one of the most realistic and professional airlines in the industry.
  10. The easiest way is if you have phpMyAdmin which most hosts do. Just go to your cPanel and click the icon the says phpmyadmin and click on your tables, find the phpvms_airports table select the checkbox for the ones you wish to remove and remove them. Although the alternative if you don't have phpmyadmin is using an SQL query.
  11. Good morning!! I have an individual page for each of my hubs, and what I would like to do is echo out the roster for each hub individually. I am confused because I can't find anything in the pilot_list.tpl file that says anything about hub. Can anyone help?? Many thanks, Brian
  12. The schedule will show all flights in the database regardless of the current time.
  13. There is a template file in the following directory: /core/templates/ the name of the tpl file is probably something_fleet.tpl - open up that file. There should be lots of php code but next to the php code after "Ort:" put the following code: <br />Rank required: [enter the rank required here]
  14. Thank you bakers11 We'll keep it in mind, thanks!
  15. Thank you Drcodyjones and edmundk! No. We do not include a car in our benefits package. However, free virtual flights are included! We are quite competitive too, we offer free virtual flights on our virtual network and you don't have to fly stand-by!
  16. Okay, it seems I've figured it out again. In the schedule_searchform.tpl file, the action url is set to dynamically generate. For whatever reason, it wasn't doing so correctly. So I manually changed the link to /action.php/schedules/view and it is now working. Perhaps a bug? I'll look into it more. Thank you for the help!
  17. Hello, The schedule only filters flights if you are logged out. If you are logged in, and you try filtering flights, it just shows up as blank. No flights are pulled up.
  18. Orlando, FL - July 18, 2012 AirTran Airways Virtual - Official News Release Contact: brian (dot) newman (at) airtranva.org AirTran Airways Virtual announced early Wednesday evening that they are currently accepting applications to fill the position of Vice President of Flight Operations. All interested applicants are encouraged to download the PDF information file, and submit the attached application with rèsumè to headquarters@airtranva.org. vpfo.pdf
  19. I tried taking it out of the table, but it didn't help any. With or without table it still looks like crap
  20. I fixed it. The problem lied within the schedule_searchform.tpl. The following code was the culprit: <h3>Search Schedules</h3> <form id="form" action="<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/');?>" method="post"> It seems that the action originally pointed to /schedules/view however the path this needs to be sent to is /schedules/. I didn't change the code but maybe something just got screwed up in the skinning process.
  21. Tried the simpilot add-on, it still said "no routes found." However, there are routes in the db because I can see it in the admin panel, the tables, and using the scheduled module. However, I can't get any routes to display using the search function.
  22. When I try to sort schedules by their departure or arrival airports, distance, or aircraft type, it just shows up as a blank page. There are flights in the database. They're just not showing up with the search function. http://www.airtranva...x.php/schedules
  23. I'll see what I can do, as long as I know it's a skinning issue. Thanks!
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