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Everything posted by PilotJordan

  1. Nobody?
  2. The VA is not quite open yet, and I don't wish to link to the website until we are a week or so from launching. However if you're truly interested PM me and I will supply you with a link
  3. Good evening: I'm currently looking for an individual to run my virtual airline with. The qualified individual will be at least seventeen years of age, be an active flight simulator pilot, be very trustworthy, and self-motivated. I am handling all the financial responsibilities of the virtual airline. Furthermore, I am handling all technical aspects of the virtual airline. I need someone to help me input routes into the database to prepare for the VA's launch. After the launch you will continue as my running mate. Please contact me directly at: briantheaviator@gmail.com
  4. Hi all, I put phpVMS into a template I liked, and on the contact and registration modules, it appears that the reCaptcha is all mangled. I can't seem to figure out why. Take a look: http://www.airtranva...dex.php/contact
  5. That is the unformatted version, it is not supposed to look like that. You're saying it looked like that both ways for you? EDIT: I'm starting to make more sense of this now, I cleared my cache and it appears that the formatting is the same regardless of www or no www. That definitely points to the coding for the layout.tpl file. Thank you:)
  6. Can you post a screenshot of what you see?
  7. Just played around with it some more. Seems that all formatting is perfectly fine when logged in, with or without www in the link. However, when logged out, if there is a www in the link, the formatting will not format correctly. This leads me to believe that there is likely something wrong with the coding I did in the layout.tpl file.
  8. The blank page is fixed. Still a problem with formatting
  9. Yes now we have another problem. I edited site_url the local.config file and now.. nothing. Not sure what happened. I set the link back to what it originally was and it is still blank.
  10. Hi again, I created a new skin, and when I use the link "www.airtranva.org" the formatting is off. Badly off. When I use the link "airtranva.org" without the www, formatting is fine. It does this on all pages and modules. Any help is greatly appreciated
  11. Thanks guys! Very much appreciated.
  12. Hey everyone, I'm trying to put phpVMS into a template I like, and when I use the code from frontpage_recentpilots.tpl to show the most recent pilots on the front page, it gives me this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/airtranv/public_html/lib/skins/AirTran/layout.tpl on line 223 Here is the code that I used which resulted in that error <?php foreach($pilots as $pilot) { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"><?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid). ' ' .$pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname?></a></p> <?php } ?>
  13. Thanks everyone, I've found a skin and I appreciate all of your help.
  14. I need somebody to skin for me, I'd like it to match airtran.com - contact me for details and price negotiation. Thank you!
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