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Posts posted by PlumbBum

  1. Hello, thank you for your response.

    I implemented your code to the web page, however the flights appear for a mere second and then they all disappear. It may be worth saying that the ones that do appear are also duplicated.



  2. Hello simpilot, thank you for your reply!

    This is the acars data table at the moment, in the phpMyAdmin:


    and this is the main website:


    I have tried clearing the ACARS table through the admin table, and the table empties, and when they all eventually load, the above happens.

    I just turned on debug info and the logs weren't updated, bar the log.txt file, which is nothing to do with this error in particular. Any suggestions?



  3. Hello,

    Currently, in my local.config.php, I have defined the pilot inactive time to 30 days. This is the date in which their account will be set to retired.

    However, I want to also send out an email when a pilot hasn't sent flown a flight in 23 days, informing them they have 7 days remaining until they are marked as retired. (The positive integer defined in the local.config.php file).

    So ultimately, the CRON will check if the pilot has flown in 23 days, if they haven't then it will send them an email reminding them they have 7 days to do a flight.

    If any body could provide me with some code to do this, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.


  4. I understand that. That wasn't the question. I'm curious as to where the 'Look up' actually pulls data from, whether it's internally and editable by an admin or whether it pulls from an external source, so I can fix issues like this and not need to rely on manual additoins.

    phpvms_airports table in your mysql database.

  5. It works like this. The system first looks for a tpl in the active skin folder, than if none is found it looks in core/templates directory.

    If you edit any files you should first copy them to the skin folder and than edit them so you still have a default copy if you need for updates etc.

    So, look in core/templates. if you can not find it, make one yourself and place it in the skin folder ;)

    I understand the concept of the files now more.. thanks :)

    It's pretty simple to grasp once you know how, here's how I would do it:

    <!--The Invisible Div -->
    <div class="wrapper">
    <!-- Set out the layout for the frontpage -->
    <div class="right">
    <!-- This checks if we are on the frontpage -->
    if(MainController::$activeModule == 'FRONTPAGE')
    echo $page_content;
    <!-- Echo the content into the full page -->
    <div class="full">
    <?php echo $page_content; ?>

    That's not tested but it should lead you in the right direction for what you want. You can then just call the left hand side div for your homepage in frontpage_main.tpl


    Thank you Jon! Much appreciate.. managed to do it with some of these code snippets! cheers.

  6. Oh my good god ^_^ This is so difficult. Would anyone be willing to do it for me if I was to pay them? - All it is is making the homepage show on first load, then just a box with the content in it for the other pages.



  7. Okay, an example...

    in layout.tpl, you have the content. No sidebars, none. So, if you wanted the sidebar in the frontpage only, you can add the div for the sidebar in the frontpage_main.tpl only.

    This how you would get it working and not have the sidebar load on anyother pages. ;)


    Ooh brilliant - So how do I make it so that frontpage_main.tpl loads when the user loads the website?

  8. Hello, at the moment this is the homepage..


    However I only want the side boxes on the homepage, and for the rest of the pages e.g. profiles, i want just one big box covering the whole screen.. how can I make it so that the content loads into the box - this is my first skin I've created and this is the only thing I don't know how to do

    So with another virtual airline

    Their homepage is like this..


    and when you visit a page, the boxes are gone


    So how do I change the div name of where the content loads?

    Any help appreciated,


    Daniel Plumb

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