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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by VinceN
One of my staff members attempted to sign up on the site. The confirmation E-Mail he got back looked like this From: Cerulean Airlines <noreply@ceruleanairlines.com>Date: April 10, 2008 12:25:32 AM GMT-04:00To: tylerhartmann@gmail.comSubject: Cerulean Airlines RegistrationContent-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary = PHPVMSMAILER47fd96bc2ed8aThis is a MIME encoded message.--PHPVMSMAILER47fd96bc2ed8aContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1Content-Transfer-Encoding: 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--PHPVMSMAILER47fd96bc2ed8aContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1Content-Transfer-Encoding: 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
I'd like the ability to directly control what users see when they first come to the site. Have some introduction text, images, and the like.Currently it just seems to show some statistics and its not a fantastic first impression especially for new users.
Anywhere there is a password it should use the ***** entry method. Any time a password is being entered for the first time or changed you should need to enter it twice to make sure its right.That seems to be the standard practice from my experience.
Might I suggest instead that you have a "Confirm" field for passwords. Enter it once then enter it again and do a check to see if they were entered the same both times.I'm not sure I'm comfortable that anyone glancing at my screen can see the password I'm typing in, one time or not.
I've noticed that a lot of areas in the website (Particularly on the install screen) show the ASCII characters instead of the usual *** marks when entering passwords.Might want to change that over as that seems to be standard security practice.
I've verified this bug. Same deal as I reported earlier with with data entry screen being larger than the available screen area.1028x768
I think maybe on the admin side you should simply have a field where you can enter whatever you want it to say, this way individual VA's can customize it for their needs.I think you should confirm the email and be approved by staff. The reason for this is that occasionally you do get pilots who need to be banned. What good would deleting their info do if they simply sign up a new G-Mail account and come right back?That could work fine.I just thought it might make it a little easier for management. Maybe not such a hot idea, I dunno. I know right now we use it for a VA we bought and acquired their assets but I think were going to merge it all right back into the main airline anyway.
Great work so far.. And now for morePHPVMS Wish List WOHOO!!!Ok, I've been playing around with this software for a while now. I can't say I know right now what the planned features are so if some of these are already in the works I apologize.All these features I feel should be included in the default installation. I think a large majority of VA's would use them.1.An option should be included to show a new pilot some kind of terms of service that they should agree too before signing up.2.An option should be included that new pilots will require approval from a staff member before their account becomes active.3.Support for HUB's should be included and Pilots should be grouped on the roster based on what hub they are assigned too. Also you should be able to select which hub is the (Default) hub.4.An option should be given that in airlines that have multiple sub airlines one should be the default or parent company.Feel free to VETO or ask for clarification if need be.
When adding custom ranks. Adding a rank throws a "The hours must be a number" error even if the hours entered are indeed a number. This bug does not appear to be impairing functionality
Can you provide a good sized raw image of the PHPVMS logo? I'd like to develop some "powered by" graphics.
All I did was bring up the profile page to look at.I'll check the new build out when I get home tonight.
Build 279Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/modules/PilotProfile/PilotProfile.php on line 35
Ohh, hmm. Well, I'm including ranks into one of the next builds. That table is already there, but that would only look at the hours counted from the filed PIREPs. There are groups, you can place them into groups. I'm going to enhance the groups a little more, to show up in the main profile, and when viewing other pilots profiles. These are all planned.But, you'd prefer a "solid" field for previous hours? Updating their rank from both the pirep hours and ones from the custom field can be done easily by an add-on. I'll be putting events based stuff soon too. But I'll add another field for that. Generally I thought rank was based on only hours from that airline, not any others.Lemme know, it's not a problem.Most Virtual Airlines that I know of accept hours from previous VA's or flown from VATSIM to be counted for Rank at their own airline so I believe this feature would best be part of the main package. It should probably be tracked separately. The biggest problem is how to implement it. Some airlines accept a % of total hours, Others, like my own, simply accept any hours up to a certain cap. The way we handled it is we just had them put in the total hours they wished to transfer and we pruned it down to our cap manually if needed.
Yes but I'd like the hours to count when calculating their Rank or any other Hours based awards. Can I do that with a simple custom field?
Build 274When I try to login to the admin panel I get an error about the google maps API being registered to a different website. I am then returned the the login screen.
I would like to be able to alter the total hours that a pilot has. Say for instance when they sign up and transfer hours from another VA.Ideally I would also like to track them separately from hours flown at our airline.
I haven't had a chance to try and break anything yet but this looks pretty slick.If I may say Nabeel this system shows an incredible amount of promise and I hope to be running our VA exclusively on it soon.
Pretty much what the topic says,Is this feature available yet and if so is there any documentation on how to create new skins?
BUILD 254On the admin panel when adding Flight Schedules the page that displays is larger than my screen area (1024x768). Thus I am unable to manipulate certain buttons and fields. Scrolling appears to be disabled while this screen is displayed.
Build 254On the Admin Page under the Airlines Section.The Link to add an Airline says "Add an Aircraft"Also when clicking the "Options" button under an existing airline it results in a Blank Admin Screen instead of any options to edit.
Bug: Changing Location in Pilot Profile results in error.
VinceN replied to VinceN's topic in Support Forum
I added a custom field. This error did not seem to present when I filled it out. -
Build 254On the pagehttp://test.ceruleanairlines.com/?page=editprofileWhen I attempt to enter a location and press save the location is not stored and the page displays the following error.Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/ceruleanairlines.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 67
Ok, I made a copy of my sitewide PHP.INI and placed it into the root of my test server directory. Disabling Error Reporting in this PHP.INI appears to have solved the issue.
I've tried both those strings as well as setting Error Reporting to OFFStill throwing notices left right and center. I've contacted host my site to see if they can disable it from the PHP.INI (I can't find my VPS's INI file and I don't know how to create one from scratch without it.)I'll let you know.