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  1. It's not working for me either, Lewis. It says it can't find the server. Check with your hosting company and make sure everything is setup correctly so that the outside world can see your domain. Cheers, Glen
  2. Lewis, Did you download the program and the module or just the program? When I had this error happen to me, the problem was that the module that came with phpVMS (kACARS_free.php in the /core/modules/kACARS_Free folder) was not in sync with the program. You should go back to the kACARS download site, download the appropriate version of module to match the version of your program and then overwrite this file on your domain and then give it another go. I hope this helps. Cheers.
  3. Okay, thanks for the update! Cheers.
  4. Jeff, Any update as to whether this is supposed to work or not? Cheers.
  5. Jeff, That may be true, but it's also true that with MySQL in strict mode, kACARS will report a successful PIREP, but nothing will make it to the database.
  6. Thanks for checking that, Jeff. FYI, I am using the latest version (
  7. drgullen


    I believe the soution is to download the latest module as well from this website: http://fs-products.net/PhoenixVA/index.php/downloads Download the part that says "kACARS_Free Module" and then copy and replace the kACARS_Free.php file that you'll find in your /core/modules/kACARS_Free folder. I hope this helps. Cheers.
  8. Hi there, I was just wondering if the FlightStatus variable is actually working completely in the Free version. I suspect it is not, but wanted to double-check before I go any further with what I'm trying to do which is to have kACARS tell the user that the airplane is out of service if they try and bid on a plane that is not enabled. The module is coded that if you pass the number 3 back through the XML for FlightStatus, that is supposed to represent "Out of Service", but it seems the only two messages that get passed are "Flight Found" and "Flight Not Found". Am I doing something wrong or is that the case? Cheers.
  9. Actually, the problem in my case is that I had MySql set to strict mode. Actually, I should say that by default, I believe it is installed in that mode. I guess kACARS (or any program for that matter because XAcars didn't work either) cannot access the necessary tables in the database when MySql is in strict mode. The change described in the following link fixed this for me: http://forum.mambo-foundation.org/showthread.php?t=5254
  10. drgullen

    Error Log

    Jeffrey, Thanks, I'll try that. I found another post related to this: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6263-k-acars-connected-but-not-transmitting/ and I also have spoken to Tom from that post and he said that he was never able to get this to work using IIS. I am running Win7 64-bit with IIS 7.5 -- is kACARS supposed to be able to work in that environment? Cheers, Glen
  11. Sorry to bump this old post, but this exact problem is happening to me as well. PIREP says it was filed, receive.xml says: <sitedata><info><pirepStatus>1</pirepStatus></info></sitedata> which I believe means a success PIREP filing, but my phpVMS system shows no PIREPs pending and the database table for phpvms_pireps is empty. You mentioned to check the error logs. Where are they? Which logs? Anyone have a solution for this? Cheers
  12. drgullen

    Error Log

    Is there an error log someplace for kACARS? I have this all installed on my local computer. I am using http://localhost/phpvms as my BaseURL. Everything seems fine (I can connect, I see my Flight Bids, I can start recording and fly my flight), but when I click on File PIREP, it comes back with the normal "PIREP Filed OK" box, but it isn't actually updating the database with anything. It's as if the PIREP just vanishes into thin air. I do see the contents of the PIREP in the send.xml file, but as I say, nothing is going into the database. Where can I look to find out why? Cheers.
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