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Everything posted by bruno101

  1. bruno101


    Registration of aircraft should be in formaf XX-XXX or X-XXXX
  2. bruno101


    New version on download http://cavacars.net63.net/index.php/download Some problems fixed. Added support for cargo flights and loading of cargo flight schedules.
  3. bruno101


    I do not get any response from modul. Pls, check that modul is on correct location on your server.
  4. bruno101


    I just checked it over your webpage and it removes bids with 'remore bid' button and with bidding new while other exist. Not sure why it is not working with you (same modul, same webpage, same program)?
  5. bruno101


    Old bid is still in table bids or in schedules table bidid not set to 0?
  6. bruno101


    I have tried it with test account you sent me and it is all working fine.
  7. bruno101


    There will be more log events switchable trough modul
  8. bruno101


    New version of program and module released. Now you can get schedules, add and remove bids from program. Download and details on http://cavacars.net63.net/index.php/download
  9. bruno101


    All mentined problems fixed. New version on website.
  10. bruno101


    New version of modul and program on: http://cavacars.net63.net/index.php/download Check changes log for details!
  11. bruno101


    Well, basicly, most of acars software do the same. From your point of view, there should be no chioce for people that want something different. If there is kACARS_Free, no other shoud exist. If you see no difference by just looking at CAVacars window, sry but cant help you. As i already wrote, if you dont like it, dont use it. There are people that do use it no mather what you think.
  12. bruno101


    CAVacars contains no more than 10% of APVacars code. If you want some small changes (like logo and some more logging events that are already coded) you can get it for free.
  13. bruno101


    You can fly charter flights. There are some events that are not logged in apvacars.
  14. bruno101


    Not sure what is the point of your statement? It's alternative. If you like it, use it. If you don't like it, don't use it.
  15. bruno101


    New version of modul and program. For details go to http://cavacars.net63.net/index.php/download
  16. bruno101


    CAVacars is acars/log software for phpVMS. CAVacars is heavily modified and improved version of APVacars. It uses modified module of kACARS_Free, It enables you to fly charter flights. More detalis and download on http://cavacars.net63.net Any feedback is wellcome. If you like it and want your VA logo in it, send me picture in dimension HxW-230x185 px and i'll put it in and send you installer for it.
  17. Modul and VB source is here: http://bit.ly/1jSULvO Aircraft reg. and type for charter is hardcoded in program as we only use one. But, it is not hard to change. Source might be a little messy - it is still a work in progress. Anyone needs help with it, just post here on send PM.
  18. First i'd like to thank Vangelis for great work he did. I have done some modifications in modul and program and now we use it as official acars in Croatia Airlines Virtual. So it look like that: (Powered by frubar.net) I made changes in modul to enable charter flights (liveupdate and progress did not work correctly) In program, i have found a problem when sending 'liveupdate' and requesting 'progress' from server. When program wait for response from server, it block all logging events, so i have put 'liveupdate' and 'progress' in separate process. Now everything is fluid and responsive. I have included some more events in log. If somebody want this version of modul and source code, send me PM.
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