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  1. Hello, I'm Adam, CEO of Emerald Virtual Airways. About us: Emerald VA is a starting out airline and we have the most friendly staff and pilots around. We are one of the most free airlines, and the regulations we do have are easy to follow. We have our own liveries and fleet, which consists of two Boeing 737-800s, and two Airbus A320s. We are currently leasing a Boeing 767-300ER, which we do not have a livery for. We only have a few rules, but ones that are crucial to proper airline handling, and are very realistic. Our website is: http://emeraldva.org/ Rules and Regulations: Our rules are: -Pilot must make Pilot Report once every month -Landings can not be more than -650 FPM. -Be friendly to everyone inside and outside of the airline (This shouldn't even have to be said) -The staff have the final say. If you do not agree you can contact higher-staff (CEO, COO, HR Manager) -We follow realistic finances, so if you want a base/aircraft, please keep in mind we may not be able to afford it We also have tons of pilot resources that anyone can use, from flight planning charts to handbooks. Nobody can ever be left out, and you are welcome no matter the experience level. We try to have a friendly community that anyone can feel welcome in, and anyone can feel comfortable if they ever need help. Servicing airports: We currently service 17 airports, 9 of which are hubs. we do not follow the realistic airport experience (i.e. non-hub airports can only fly to hubs), but rather any airport we service can fly to any other airport we service. This may not be realistic but it allows for us to have as many schedules as possible so that pilots never get bored going to the same hubs all the time. Services and Staff: We are currently working on a TeamSpeak 3 and FSHost server so pilots can connect and have fun together. This is especially nice for pilots who want to fly with others and don't have to spend time E-Mailing or private messaging. Our staff consists of a team of three (subject to grow): CEO - Adam O'Connor (Myself) - adam@emeraldva.org COO - Richard Bailey - richard@emeraldva.org Human Resources - Open - hr@emeraldva.org KMSP Hub Manager - Daniel Healy - kmsp@emeraldva.org - daniel@emeraldva.org Questions? Concerns? Comments? We are always open to any inquiries you may have, If you would like to contact us, you can do so by E-Mailing myself, Richard Bailey, or the Human Resources Department (email addresses are listed above). We at Emerald Virtual Airways thank your for your interest in us, and hope that you will soon be with us as a pilot. With warm regards, Adam O'Connor - CEO Emerald Virtual Airways Richard Bailey - COO Emerald Virtual Airways Daniel Healy - KMSP Hub Manager Emerald Virtual Airways
  2. Just got some repaints from him. Great deal and they look good. Pleasure to deal with. Thanks!
  3. So does nobody here care about other's problems? It seems not one topic was solved...
  4. Bump. Still getting no information on the tables. Like I said, I added pilots, aircraft, routes, and airports to my VA.
  5. Let me explain. I made several dummy accounts to test it. I have added KDTW and KORD to the airport list. I have added the Boeing 737-800 to my fleet. I have no other way of explaining it.
  6. Hello all, I had just finished installing phpVMS and noticed that the admin center is just short of working. I cannot see any Pilot Reports, Pilots themselves, Airports, or Schedules. I had done install/checkinstall.php and my webhost is xampp. How do I fix this? I am disappointed that I can't run a virtual airline on my OWN webserver...
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