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Everything posted by WiltshireAirlines

  1. Actually, I'm confused. I'm looking at the core.config.php file right now, and the database details have been entered. What do I have to do?
  2. OK. I'll try that. Thanks. Standby.
  3. I moved the files directly, so shouldn't local.config.php be set up already?
  4. I'm having a problem. I successfully installed easyphp, but I'm getting database errors. I have no idea why. It's probably because I'm now on a local host. What can I do about this? phpVMS relies so much on databases.
  5. Oh. In fact, that was just what I was looking for! Thanks!
  6. I'll make sure to check it out! Just one question - when changing hosts, I don't have to reinstall, do I?
  7. Hello everybody, I've been working a lot on my website lately. Because I'm a noob at CSS and HTML, I have to refresh almost every time I make an edit. Now, I probably refresh about 30 times in 40 minutes, on average. Unfortunately, being on a free plan, I reach about 70% of the max CPU usage allowed on the site. If I don't refresh so many times, my CPU usage is pretty low. However, I would like to know if there's any good way to help reduce CPU usage. I understand that it depends on your website, and since everyone here uses the same platform, I would hope that somebody may have some advice as to how to save CPU usage. It's not a killer, I'd just love advice because if I reach the max, I get a 24 hour suspension - which is a pretty big deal. Thanks in advance!
  8. I have just successfully set up KACARS! Thanks for everyone's help!
  9. Do you recommend FSACARS, KACARS or XACARS?
  10. Where is that file found on my site? Also, does it automatically have all the schedules and aircraft in my fleet?
  11. How do I use FSACARS? How can a pilot connect their sim with ACARS? Is it through a code or what?
  12. OK. I have no idea about anything...at all. How can I integrate ACARS with phpVMS?
  13. Hello everybody, I have downloaded the acarsd (ACARS decoder). I've entered all my information, like airports, flight numbers, aircraft, airlines, and some database info as well. I know this is a really broad question, but having no knowledge of ACARS...what do I do next? I can't seem to find a tutorial. Also, can someone explain how I integrate ACARS with my pilots? Is there like a code that pilots use? Or a server? Thanks!
  14. By the way, I have fixed the problem - it turns out that I missed a little correction that caused a fatal error, but errors were not displayed. My host did a great job helping me, and the problem was solved. Thanks for all the input though.
  15. By the way, I am contacting my host as well.
  16. Hello everybody, I was just editing my website and all of a sudden...it doesn't load. Nothing loads. Absolutely nothing. Just a white page. I assume it's a programming error. Since the last time I saw the website working, I created a new module along with its template. After finding out that my website stopped working, I then deleted the files. It's still not working. I undid a lot of changes to make sure none of them could have possibly ruined the website. Still, when I load the site, nothing happened. It could be a problem with my host, but my host's website is fine, so I don't think it's a problem with their server. I assume this will get fixed automatically, sometime sooner or later, but if it doesn't, I know it's a coding error. I have no idea what's wrong. It just started happening out of the blue. (One thing I wanted to touch on is that at the same time the website stopped working, my computer suffered a mysterious loss of Internet connection. I don't believe this is related, but what occurs when I try to go to my website is similar to what occurs when I lose Internet connection. My Internet is back up, obviously, and the site does not work.) I tried clearing my cache. I tried different browsers and different computers. It just doesn't work. So, my question is, do you know of any changes that could cause a whole phpVMS site to not load (even its subdirectories)? Thanks in advance. Bill
  17. Thanks so much everybody! Reinstalling it with the GitHub files worked! Thanks so much! I will mark as solved.
  18. OK. And how do you turn off the strict standard errors? Thanks!
  19. I fixed the previous problem by removing the function, but that's only a temporary fix. Anyway, how do I turn off strict standard errors again?
  20. Everything's going well except I get this error after the database is set up: Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /home/vol5_1/byethost4.com/b4_14193882/htdocs/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 431 This is the code on line 431: public static function saveAvatar($code, $pilotid, $_FILES) { Could this have anything to do with me using the same database?
  21. OK. Thanks for the advice. I'm currently reuploading the site. I'll give updates in a few minutes as to whether this has solved my problem or not. Thanks so much for all you guys' help so far.
  22. What files should I replace? I'm not replacing the whole website....... I replaced the ofc directory and nothing changed.
  23. OK. Thanks! I'll try it out and give you updates soon. Glad to know that this maybe the problem!
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