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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well after a long break, its now the Rollout of NeckarAirways (2.0) i was long thinking about made again a Virtual Airline and i decided with Yes. So we are open again and back on Market.
  2. interested as well
  3. Hi all, i search someone they would help us integrate Template to our Side admin and frontend, and we need someone else who can help create a Briefing imput and outputfile for Simbrief API. I have special for this setup a Testside: Most Problem we have are we not able to setup right the Javascripts to working Correkt, we have now written the Layout.tpl much times without get this fixed. Maybe did someone outside know what to do and can fix that. i know our Budget its not high its only between 50 -100 EUR. but we really need Help
  4. well its my first Post for Asking help i have a problem i uploaded the Template on my Testside so here is a link well the Problem are that i have needed many cheat to bring this to work, at last it works now but the sliders and change from mainside to pilotcenter should work with a popup but it not want work i dont know what i must change any advise would be kind. Iam a noob on PHPVMS and PHP so pls dont be to much technical, well at first i will send you my code: SOLVED THANKS
  5. Hi can you post some screens from your dispatchcenter. I havent found something about your module where i can see the functions
  6. same issue i think its a problem when u have a flight like lh0003 and your PilotID is DLH0024 or else i hope i find a solution but at moment, is it more a helpfull hand
  7. fixed!!!
  8. Hi at all, i have want made a restriction not by Rank but by Rating, but all what i do would fail didnt know what i can do!!! anyone here, they want help me to fix that iam a total noob and dont really know what iam doing
  9. Hi, i have the same problem i think, i use a jumpseat the location changes, for Example from Frankfurt to Stuttgart, but if i want see the Routes from Stuttgart i allways earn Routes from Frankfurt if i look at location it says Frankfurt but at flightbookingsystem he told me Stuttgart, any solutions for that ???
  10. thanks works
  11. Hi, how can i make the Images from Airline visible ???
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