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  1. You dont have five pilots yet. And, the problem can be caused by you having a free host
  2. You probably dont have5 pilots yet. Link me to your site
  3. View Blog post here: http://lancedesign.org/en/lance-designs/lance-free-phpvms-skin-released/
  4. View Blog post here: http://lancedesign.org/en/lance-designs/lance-free-phpvms-skin-released/
  5. Enjoy the template? Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook...LanceDesign.org Lance Designs has officially released their best phpVMS skin titled "lance"! Lance features a 100% custom coded interface built utilizing the bootflat UI kit. It features a full drop-down menu which compatible with phpVMS. Feel free to check out the demo and download and install it! If you have any questions, feel free to comment! VIEW PHOTOS HERE: http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/Chris_Gartrell/library/ Features: Fully customized pages modern nav-bar featuring drop-down menus Completed Pilots Center Full frontpage Slideshow Easy Installation Easily customizable Different Color options to be released soon LIVE PREVIEW: http://lancedesign.org/demo/index.php Login: demo@demo.com Password: demo11 Download: http://lancedesign.o...nload/lance.zip How to Install 1. UNZIP LANCE.ZIP 2. UPLOAD "lance†TO PUBLIC_HTML/LIB/SKINS/ 3. GO TO PHPVMS ADMIN CENTER 4. AT THE BOTTOM, CLICK “GENERAL SETTINGS†5. WHERE IT SAYS “CURRENT SKINâ€, SELECT “lance†6. CHECK YOUR HOMEPAGE, THE SITE SHOULD BE ACTIVE Thank you all for downloading! Because it is a one man team on this project, there might be errors. Please comment below if you encounter any problems
  6. Enjoy the template? Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LanceDesign.org Lance Designs has officially released their best phpVMS skin titled "lance"! Lance features a 100% custom coded interface built utilizing the bootflat UI kit. It features a full drop-down menu which compatible with phpVMS. Feel free to check out the demo and download and install it! If you have any questions, feel free to comment! Features: Fully customized pages modern nav-bar featuring drop-down menus Completed Pilots Center Full frontpage Slideshow Easy Installation Easily customizable Different Color options to be released soon LIVE PREVIEW: http://lancedesign.org/demo/index.php Login: demo@demo.com Password: demo11 Download: http://lancedesign.org/download/lance.zip How to Install 1. UNZIP LANCE.ZIP 2. UPLOAD "lance†TO PUBLIC_HTML/LIB/SKINS/ 3. GO TO PHPVMS ADMIN CENTER 4. AT THE BOTTOM, CLICK “GENERAL SETTINGS†5. WHERE IT SAYS “CURRENT SKINâ€, SELECT “lance†6. CHECK YOUR HOMEPAGE, THE SITE SHOULD BE ACTIVE Thank you all for downloading! Because it is a one man team on this project, there might be errors. Please comment below if you encounter any problems
  7. Thank you all! Vangelis and Levicosta201, would you mind me shooting you over a PM and getting your email so we can talk more? I wouldnt want to clog up the forums. Thank you!
  8. http://lancedesign.org/cloud.php
  9. Hello All, I was wondering how I should go about integrating the PHPvms login system with a C# program. Yes, I have googled and I am not exactly sure what to do. No, I do not want to hear people telling me to abandon my project because I am not a master at C#. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Thank god I only used the grid system and the buttons
  11. I can release another version that has dropdown menus if you like!
  12. Lance Designs just released a free phpVMS template called "Flight" Well here it is, Lance Design's first FREE PHPvms template! This template comes with a fully customized front page, live stats board, recent flights board, and live acars map. Take advantage of having this brand new (2015) template for use in your virtual airline. Included is the frontpage_main.tpl, layout.tpl, and even a free about/staff page named about.tpl Live Preview: http://lancedesign.org/flight/index.html Download: http://lancedesign.weebly.com/blog/flight-free-phpvms-template-by-lance-designs Thank you and I hope you all enjoy! -Chris Gartrell
  13. Lance Designs just released a free phpVMS template called "Flight" Well here it is, Lance Design's first FREE PHPvms template! This template comes with a fully customized front page, live stats board, recent flights board, and live acars map. Take advantage of having this brand new (2015) template for use in your virtual airline. Included is the frontpage_main.tpl, layout.tpl, and even a free about/staff page named about.tpl Live Preview: http://lancedesign.org/flight/index.html Download: http://lancedesign.weebly.com/blog/flight-free-phpvms-template-by-lance-designs Thank you and I hope you all enjoy! -Chris Gartrell
  14. Hello Guys, I need to be able to run two phpvms installations at the same times. Basically, I want to have the PHPvms installation at crew.flyvawe.com to be connected with the installation at http://flyvawe.com/us/index.php . I already have the content connected, the problem arises with the skins. Whenever I access the admin panel from http://flyvawe.com/us/index.php, it automatically goes directly to crew.flyvawe.com/admin. I need to be able to run two different skins on the different sub domains. How can I do this? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you all!
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