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  1. Sorry, I've forgot { } <?php $airports = OperationsData::getAllAirports(){ /* Above <td> You have to put it */ foreach($airports as $airport) /* On <td> You can use it to show Name, ICAO and anothers thing from PhpMyAdmin */ echo $airport->name; echo $airport->icao; } ?>
  2. Hi! You can call the function, <?php $airports = OperationsData::getAllAirports() /* Above <td> You have to put it */ foreach($airports as $airport) /* On <td> You can use it to show Name, ICAO and anothers thing from PhpMyAdmin */ echo $airport->name; echo $airport->icao; ?>
  3. I had this aircraft problem in my Virtual Airline. Basically I had set every schedules to one "virtual" aircraft that doesnt exist on fleet like A319TAM, A320TAM. After that, when the pilot get this bid he has to reserve aircraft. On reserve system I just search on phpvms_aircraft, aircrafts that are on this airport. And I had set on PirepData after accepted, set on phpvms_aircraft on column local the airport where has just landed. This is my suggestion to you do. It's easy to make!
  4. Hi guys, happy new year! On last year, I can do 2 flights in my VA and send normaly. But in this week, any pilots are reporting that are occurring error during send log... The error is data type conversion error. I restore my FSACARS.php but until now dont solved this. One main detail is when I confirm which my aircraft is on Departure Airport I get the triangle in Date Time on FSACARS DATA. And my log started like this... 65535/65535/65535 05:39:00] Flight IATA:RCT8551
  5. Hey, I'm using your module, I've set to display more 2 schedule option. My problem which is happening now is, the schedule is not linking... For example, SBGR-EDDF SAEZ-SBGR SBGR-KMIA KMIA-SBGR KMCO-SBGR. I've set every DEPs to everyone schedule option.
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