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  1. I was just wondering.. How many times is this now? 10th? Good luck.. BREH
  2. Fellow Simmers, Virtual Airline Solutions is proud to announce the addition of custom created aircraft liveries for Flight Simulator 2004 and X. We offer repaints for low prices, and we can custom design anything you can imagine. Need a certain fleet repaint? Not a problem. For a single aircraft, designing a livery is our specialty. We can build it to your needs. Looking for an entire fleet to be repainted? We specialize in that as well. Our designs are of the highest quality for a low price. Send us an email: sales@myvasolutions.com if you are interested.
  3. I was reffering to the fact that the home page isnt what you buy.. I always look at the front page first not the staff page..
  4. Thats like saying here, take my acars but... sorry no flight logging. Completely pointless.
  5. It links to thepiratebay.
  6. http://flyemiratesv.net/index.php/downloads They are putting up torrents of AIRAC 1202.. Illegal!
  7. Thanks man
  8. Taylor, As an executive at myvasolutions.com I feel as if your signature is infringing our copyright/trademark discussion we had earlier. Please stop infringing on not only myvasolutions.com but aalvirtual.net. Learn to be creative and make your own things, I can honestly say NOBODY in these forums enjoys people copying and claiming it as their own. Thanks.
  9. I strongly disagree. KACARS simply throws on a new logo and changes the background color. We actually get with our clients to ask exactly how they want it designed. We also have way more options available. We can basically do anything you request. Here is a list of things we offer. Please remember all the add on features are only 10 dollars no matter what. Extra Features ( not full list ): . Divert Button, if you cant fly to planned airport you push this button and put in a reason why you diverted then your whole flight is changed over to your alternate airport . Route Parsing, If the pilot uses a route we have a database of over 300k navaids and fixes which help the admin view the flight they filed for and a what they actually flew . AFK Check, KACARS does have this. However, there's is easily stoppable for example there is a batch file someone made that makes it so that you can cheat the AFK Check. Ours is dynamic and makes you answer a simple question every time and every time the question is different like: "What altitude are you flying at" if you answer it wrong within 3 attempts. The PIREP will be sent and flag it as possible BOT or AFK pilot. . LIGHTNING Fast Chat ( free with base ) KACARS is driven by PHP and a Database ours is actually socket programmed so you can get messages instantly. . In flight announcements, custom for every VA. . Live Map within ACARS . FS Screenshots This is just SOME of the features we are able to do. If you tell us you want a radio player within the ACARS well... We do that too. We are currently putting up a test PHPVMS site with the ACARS within it to download. This will not be a free version that you can utilize on your VA however there will be an admin account set-up so you can Act as the CEO, Pilot or whatever you wish.
  10. I guess i'm kinda confused. That ACARS that was made by Brett Lowe that never even hit the market. Had 0 functionality, it was very pretty but again.. never worked. We have a long list of clients that aren't even PHPVMS we simply offer this in the long list of products that we currently produce. aavirtual.net, unitedairlinesva.org, xojva.com They were all produced by us.
  11. You would have to ask the CEO about that. http://simjetblue.com/index.php/downloads It is at the bottom.
  12. And to further that last reply. It also records all of the basic stuff speeds, altitudes, flight paths, lat/long. The items listed above were extra things we decided to record. Thanks!
  13. Good to know. Thank you. Currently we have it logging ( for simjetblue.com ) Flap up/down speed, gear up/down speeds, takeoff speed, landing rate/speed, fuel burned, passenger count. But we can do much much more, FSUIPC is very versatile.
  14. In what regards? It logs everything that FSUIPC will let us log ( basically everything ) But PHPVMS will only allow so many parameters to be shown during PIREP filing. If someone wanted a litte more detailed logging system all we would do is have to edit some stuff in phpvms database.
  15. It looks NOTHING like KACARS. The interface is way cleaner, smoother and way more streamlined. I will talk with the other developers about releasing a free version for people to utilize. If you would like to see a VA with it currently being used simjetblue.com is one of our latest customers. Expect more word in a few hours or so.
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