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Everything posted by mindfulhacker

  1. Good Evening to you all, When I or a user attempts to take a schedule using the "Add to bid" link on the schedules page, we experience an error. Rather than notifing me of what has happened, it responds with this error: Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Schedules' does not have a method 'viewaction.php' in /home/xyzhost/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 We're currently using the latest version of the phpVMS_5.5.X from Simpilotgroup. Any ideas?
  2. Sorry for the *bump*....
  3. Basically, rather than using phpVMS's login system, I want to use my own, which is implemented with all the other things I run (VA Forums etc). In the login template, I redirect the user to my own system, and the user then logs in there. If the credentials are correct, the login system (should) log the user into phpVMS. But, the system only returns the CID, PilotID and name, therefore I have no password to check with phpVMS's login system. So, I was wondering if there was a way using sessions etc / rewriting the login function, so the password would not be needed, Since the function would be called by the login system, only once the user has authenticated themselves, I can't see why this wouldn't be secure.
  4. I'm currently creating a script that works with my other systems on the server. I have got a page, which when a user logs in successfully, returns the CID, First Name and Last Name from database. I'd like to make it, so when my page renders, it logs the user into phpVMS. Except, I won't have a password, just CID and name. I can get the userID from the database, using MySQL, but apart from that, I can't see any logical way of doing this. Any ideas?
  5. Hi, I'm currently creating a theme for a VA. In my menu, I use: <div class="btn"><a href="#" title="Thing" style="border-color: #831029;">Thing</a> for making the menu (Without phpVMS). How can I intergrate it so phpVMS's menu works with this? Thanks.
  6. I'm creating a theme for a VA but I am getting the error of: ( ! ) Notice: The template file "C:\wamp\www\CAG\\lib\skins\CapitalConnect\header.tpl" doesn't exist in C:\wamp\www\CAG\core\classes\TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 On my test site. I'm using the latest Github download and PHP-5.4.12 with Apache-2.4.4 Any ideas?
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