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Posts posted by richipilot

  1. It has come up inside this thread. Search and you will find a solution. ;)

    Yep I read that and I did it, but the page doesn´t work, I mean when I go to index.php/TouchDownStats there it works, but when I return to the main page on the table I showed before, it shows array, I didn´t find any solution yet, applying also the topic "solutions"

  2. You can include it in a controller, or make your own (preferred) so it does not get overwritten in an update. If you are just trying to make sure pilots do not show on the map after a flight is completed you could just set the config for ACARS_LIVE_TIME to a minimum, something like 3 minutes. This will cause any flight that has not been updated in the last 3 minutes be dropped from the display.

    # ACARS options
    # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS
    # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours)
    Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720);

    O_o I have been so idiot xDD was so easy in this case, but thanks a lot for your help!!! really really appreciated thanks. SOLVED

  3. On my website how can I show in this table the stats of the best landings of the month?

    <div class="art-postcontent art-postcontent-0 clearfix"><div class="art-content-layout-wrapper layout-item-0">
    <div class="art-content-layout layout-item-1">
    <div class="art-content-layout-row">
    <div class="art-layout-cell layout-item-2" style="width: 100%" >
    <div class="art-blockheader">
    <h3 class="t">Mejores tomas del mes</h3>
    <p style="color: rgb(46, 59, 62);">
    Here must be the table/graph </p>

  4. This module does not have any template file cause it is not accessible to your pilots. It just works in the background and registers, the pilots who register on your phpVMS website, to your SMF forum too.

    Oh, nice thanks. Any special setting on the forum to get this works? I mean something special for example in SMF regustration process settings or something like this.

  5. Are you sure that you are using the code you pasted above on your website? As i can see, you are using this:

    <li><a href="http://liftaircargo.com/web/index.php/Pilots">Pilotos</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://liftaircargo.com/web/index.php/Pilots">Lista de pilotos</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://liftaircargo.com/web/index.php/rank" title="Ranks">Rangos</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://liftaircargo.com/web/index.php/awards" title="Awards">Medallas</a></li>

    Use this instead of the above one and your problem will be solved:

    <li><a href="#">Pilotos</a>
    <li><a href="http://liftaircargo.com/web/index.php/Pilots">Lista de pilotos</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://liftaircargo.com/web/index.php/rank" title="Ranks">Rangos</a></li>
    <li><a href="http://liftaircargo.com/web/index.php/awards" title="Awards">Medallas</a></li>

    Hello! I used the code you put below and as principal features became innnacesible y revert the changes and I put your first code, now again I will put the second and also reply yo the flyalaska PM :D THANKS A LOT FOR YOU HELP!!

    EDIT: Now the second code is on the web, and same problem...

  6. What is your website url? The errors means that the variable which is called from the foreach does not have any data. Have your pilots sent any flights on your virtual airline using acars?

    We still making the web so no reports were sent yet. So I will post again when I hace a report

  7. Can I have your URL?

    Yes of course, http://liftaircargo.com/web/

    Also I have the problem that I posted in other topic that´s when I write news I cannot write Ñ ñ characters or accents, I only can write english characters or with the HTML editor I can write accents and (ñ, Ñ) but without changing the font, colour, size...

  8. Hello I´m now configuring the menu of the website with this template and I make something like this;

    <li><a href="#">Pilotos</a>
    <li><a href="<?php echo url('/Pilots'); ?>">Lista de pilotos</a></li>
    <li><a href="<?php echo url('/rank'); ?>" title="Ranks">Rangos</a></li>
    <li><a href="<?php echo url('/awards'); ?>" title="Awards">Medallas</a></li>

    As in the demo and default template is, and when I return to the website I only see the "Pilotos" menu the other that should appear people on mouse there, don´t appear someone can help? :(

  9. Where are you changing the encoding setting on the database? You'll likely need to go all the way to each field to change their encoding, changing just the database/table isn't enough. You'll also then need to correct any errors as they don't get fixed when the encoding is changed - you can do some find/replace magic to fix them all at once.

    I´m changing it for phpmyadmin there is one site of encoding there also I put the sentence that Kyle says on the correct file and still the same issue, but only as before in the news section!!

  10. Hello,

    First thanks for reading, then I want to know how to solve a problem that I´m currently experiencing on my Phpvms news section when I write spanish characters such as accents or the "ñ" character. All the website is set normally and works propelly, local config files are set to UTF-8 and also de database settings.

    Something like, "compañía" is transformed in the news section to compa��a

    If can I have any help will be appreciated,

  11. Make sure you are downloading the correct versions. There's two versions. TPL and PHP Template Versions.

    If you are running phpVMS Version 2.1.934, then you have the TPL Version. - TPL Version

    If you are running phpVMS Beta, then you must have the PHP Version - PHP Version

    That was the point!!! I was installing the PHP version thinking that was the TPL, now is solved really appreciated your help, thanks again!

    • Like 1
  12. Make sure you upload all of the files that you downloaded the module. If you are still getting the error, you may have a faulty downloaded file. Re-download it, and upload it again & overwrite it.

    Cheers! ;)

    I uploaded all files again right now, I also did it before. And I get again the same error overwriting all the files. :(

  13. Hello,

    I´m getting this error at admin panel when accessing to the config menu;

    The template file "//admin/templates/vstaff/add_staff_bar.tpl" doesn't exist in /core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
    The template file "//admin/templates/vstaff/add_staff_cat_bar.tpl" doesn't exist in /core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
    The template file "//admin/templates/vstaff/all_staff.tpl" doesn't exist in /core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248

    If you could help me ;) thanks a lot!

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